The Tribe: Part One

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Author's Note: This episode deals with a lot of Native American talk/history/etc. I am not familiar with this topic at all, so I kind of used the slang/language/information that was given in the show. If I offend anyone or get something wrong, please let me know so I can change it :)


"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe." - Friedrich Nietzsche

"Seriously, if I could just have your confidence, then I would be set for life," you say to Penelope as you two walk into the office.

"Honey, you have confidence."

"Yeah, right. I can't even tell the guy I'm into that I'm into him," you scoff.

"You will when the time is right."

As soon as you walk into the bullpen, your eyes land on Spencer who is sitting at his desk reading a book. His fingers travel quickly down the pages, turning them faster than you can even count. He's just so amazing, and it sucks that you're paralyzed by the fear that he won't ever like you back in the way you like him. He's so focused on what he is reading that his tongue peeks out from between his lips, and you resist the urge to go over to him and bite his bottom lip.

The bullpen doors open, and Penelope looks over to see a very attractive man with blonde hair and a sculpted jaw. You're too busy noticing Spencer to notice the man, but Penelope has her eyes on him–and she isn't being shy about it. Elle walks in a few moments later, and she joins yours and Penelope's side.

"Who is that?" Penelope whispers.

Before anyone can answer, Derek comes barreling in and joins the stranger's side, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as they greet each other as if they are friends. He practically escorts him to Hotch's office, but you couldn't care less about that right now. As soon as the stranger is gone, both women turn to you.

"Earth to Y/N!" Penelope nudges your shoulder lightly.

You snap out of it and turn to the girls, a faint blush creeping up the sides of your cheeks.


"You know, maybe I'll just go over to him and say something," Elle teases, and you slap her arm playfully.

"You better not," you chuckle.

"What are we doing over here?" JJ asks as she joins the group.

"We're watching Y/N oogle Spencer. Can you see the drool?" Elle says.

"I am not... drooling," you pout and wipe the sides of your mouth.

"Just go over to him and ask him on a date. Simple enough, right? You've been on eleven already," JJ encourages.

"They weren't really dates, per say. Dates end in kisses, and he hasn't kissed me."

"Just go," she says and pushes you to him.

You stumble, and that causes Spencer to look up from his book. When he sees you, he smiles widely. Oh, that smile. What a wonderful smile it is.

"Hey, Spence," you greet nervously.

"Hi. Did you hear? Hotch's brother is here."

"His brother? Here?" you ask and turn to look at the girls who just give you bitch faces for not doing what they want you to do.

"Yeah. I wonder what he wants."

"Are you free after this case? Whenever that may be?" you blurt.

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