Compulsion: Part Two

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Back at Ellen's office, Zhang showed off the devices that were used to set off the fires. He contained them in a box, and you opened it to inspect the items.

"He turned the water off just before the fire. The last three were set with these. Two devices, simultaneously ignition."

"There was no device used on Matthew Rowland," Gideon said. "Unsub set that one manually?"

"He wanted to be there to enjoy the kid's death."

"Not necessarily. Well, if the target was Matthew Rowland, then why set the other two fires?" Elle asked.

"The motives for arson are relatively simple. There's vandalism, crime concealment, political statement profit and revenge."

"We interviewed Matthew Rowland's roommate. He said Matthew was very well-liked. No reason for revenge," Zhang stated.

"What about vandalism?" you wondered.

"No. The fires are too sophisticated, and if he's trying to make a political statement, he's not being too clear about it," Elle sighed.

"There's an underlying strategy in this case," Gideon counted down the ways. "Matthew, firefighters, and injured victims."

"To the unsub, they're not people, they're objects. More like—"

"Chess pieces," Spencer interrupted.

Derek got up and left the room to probably do his thing as they keep telling you. Apparently, he liked to try to get into the unsub's mind and do a little roleplaying, so you let him do his thing while still talking to Spencer and Elle about the case.

"The timer sets the road flare, which then lights the chemical mixture inside the canister. Simple," you noted as Spencer toyed with one of the devices.

"Yet sophisticated in its simplicity. I mean, there's a meticulous construction to it."

"Chemical accelerant could mean chemistry student," Elle thought.

"Could also mean chemistry professor," you added.

"Mmm, I say student. You need self-confidence to lecture in front of a classroom full of thirty college kids. Arsonists are socially incompetent. This guy doesn't go on dates. He doesn't go to parties. He doesn't feel comfortable in front of groups," she counted, she looked up at you and Spencer only to pause at the look you two were giving her.

She basically described your personality, and from the looks of it, Spencer was the same way.

"And, of course, he's a total psychopath."

"Course," he chuckled dryly, going back to his device.

"Don't jump on the wagon of it being a guy, Elle. You just described who I am, and I'm assuming that Spencer is the same way."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying don't assume the arsonist is a man. Females can start fires too, and everything I know and believe is on this being a woman," you said, getting up from your spot. "And Elle?"


"I'm never wrong," you stated before grabbing the other device from the box to examine it.

The item was like a piece of art, but it was so badly damaged that you couldn't really get a read on it at all. Before you had a chance to dwell on it any longer, you were hit with such panic and fear that you stumbled a bit.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked.

"Something is wrong. So very wrong," you gasped, rushing out of the room.

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