The Fisher King, Part 1: Part Two

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So, here's what happened. Derek and Elle were so happy on their trip until Elle was forced out of her bed and was arrested because of some blood found outside of her door. There is a headless victim, Marty Harris, in Jamaica, and the head was sent to Gideon who was happy in his remote cabin. Hotch received a phone call telling him to "help them save her"–you can only assume that the "them" is you and Spencer.

Of course, the BAU did some digging about who the hell orchestrated all of this, and the person they came up with is a man named Frank Giles. He left Jamaica last night on the red-eye all the way to Florida only to get on another flight to Virginia. Now, you don't know if Frank is from Virginia, but you know that's where he flew to.

JJ got ahold of his criminal record, and this man has been a very bad boy–manslaughter, robbery, rape, and a bunch of other things you'd rather not repeat. Marty Harris, the headless victim, is a two-timed fetish burglar and registered child sex offender. Whoever this Frank Giles is, you have to find him fast, or else he might kill other people just to play into this little game.

Something about this all fishy to you. You're not sure why everyone at the BAU was targeted. Was Penelope targeted as well? She isn't answering her phone, but you can only assume that she was. Why is Frank doing this? What is his end game? And how many more people has he already hurt?

When the people on the plane realized who you were, they allowed you to use your phone o call the BAU. You and Spencer are in first class, and it's pretty empty here, so you put your team on speakerphone so he can listen in on what's going on over there.

"We should be landing in a couple of hours," you inform them.

"So, clearly, we have a psychopath intent on drawing us into his game," Hotch sighs. "Playing with us."

"Then let us return the favor," Elle says angrily.

"He kept telling us repeatedly to save 'her'. What 'her'?"

"The items he sent must be some kind of clues," Gideon sighs.

He sounds as tired as he must look.

"Let's get them up on the board."

"Good. I was kind of confused about what everyone else got. Gideon rushed through everything earlier," you say.

"I got a Nellie Fox baseball card from 1963, and I got a head in a box," Gideon says.

"I got a rare butterfly in a shadow box," JJ chirps.

"I got the decapitated body and a nice visit from the Jamaican police headquarters," Elle says bitterly.

"Spencer and I got a skeleton key and a note," you say.

Spencer is kind of distracted with thoughts about his mother, so you do all of the talking here.

"The guy who called me said the youngest ones hold the key," Hotch says.

"Well, that's us."

"Okay, but wait a minute," Derek sighs. "Unsubs don't contact us this way. I mean, they might taunt us and dare us to catch them, but they don't drag us into their fantasy."

"Why not?" JJ wonders.

"Because they're sexual fantasies. I mean, taunting us is a show of power, but making us the object is... I don't know what the hell that is."

"Did you say you got a Nellie Fix baseball card from 1963?" you ask Gideon.

"Yeah. I went to almost every game with my father in 1959. Fox was my hero. So, is it a coincidence that he sends this to me? Or does he know how I feel about him?"

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