Plain Sight: Part Two

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Warnings: tw: rape, tw: sexual assault, watching rape happen and being able to do nothing about it


Once landed, you headed to the police precinct to talk to the person in charge of the case. Everyone filed in with only one thing on their minds: get to work. They didn't even bother introducing themselves, and you looked at Hotch when one of your hosts began to look at the newcomers with a weird look. He spotted Hotch, and given the smile the agent gave, he assumed that Hotch was the man to talk to.

"Captain Griffith, task force commander."

"Sorry, we all get tunnel vision. I'm special agent Hotchner, this is agent Jareau, our liaison, and special agent Y/L/N."

"It's nice to meet you," you smiled.

"I appreciate you coming out."

"Thanks, hope we can help," Hotch nodded.

Spencer was setting up the papers of all the ballads left at the crime scenes so that he could look at them side by side. Gideon was staring at the crime scene photos to see if he could figure out something based on victimology. Walking over to Spencer, you noticed JJ already there with him.

"My name is death. Have you not heard of me? You may as well be mute," Spencer read out loud.

"Creepy, huh?" JJ asked.

"Actually, conversations between death and his victims was a fairly popular literary and artistic theme throughout the renaissance," he said with passion. JJ gave him a weird look, and when he noticed it, he blushed. "Yeah, creepy."

"Don't do that," you said once the female agent walked away.

"Don't do what?"

"Pretend to be someone you're not. I can see the passion you hold for things like this in your eyes. Don't let others kill your buzz, Spencer. Don't hide it, embrace it. At the very least, I think this stuff is pretty cool," you smiled, leaving his side to join Gideon's to see what he thought of this.

Spencer was getting surprised by you nonstop today. He kind of liked how you validated his feelings, and he couldn't help but watch as you left.

"You got something?" you asked Gideon.

"He strikes during the day in upper-middle-class neighborhoods."

"Extremely high-risk victims at a high-risk time. He's confident in his ability," Derek joined in.

"Looks to be about a five-square mile radius. So he probably has a vehicle," you noted.

"You wanna see that crime scene?" Detective Cornelius Martin asked. "It's still taped off. The husband won't go back inside."

"Let's go," Gideon smiled, bringing along you and Derek. The detective and Derek got the front seat while you and Gideon took the back. This was a nice neighborhood, and you were admiring the houses when the detective spoke.

"This profiling really works? You can tell all about a guy from looking at the scene?" Detective Martin asked.

"Well, the scene is only part of it," you answered. "We also use victimology and precedent. We can usually get a fairly clear picture of the guy. Or I can, visually."

"Our guys went over it pretty well. What do you mean visually?"

"Local officers aren't trained to look for the things we look for," Gideon interrupted, not wanting you to answer that. Whenever someone asks you about the things you can do, Gideon usually changes the topic since that kind of thing can get bad backlash.

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