Machismo: Final Part

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Warnings: heavy angst, talk of rape, child rape (ten years old) by multiple men, not being believed about it, trauma related to rape, canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, fluff and angst

Author's Note: I really hope you guys accept what I have done to the reader in this story. It will all be relevant in later seasons. Though, please let me know what you think!


Your entire team heads over to the factory where the four women worked. If you're right about this, and you usually are, then you're going to find that he works there. His name is somewhere in the archives of this place, and you're not going to rest until you find that name. The owner of the establishment, Consuela Ramirez, is shocked to find out that one of her guys may be killing the women in her town. She refuses to accept the idea, but you know he is here somewhere.

"I have owned this factory for nine years, and I do not allow the men I hire to abuse the women. I'm sorry, but I do not believe this man works here," she sighs.

"Miss, the man we're looking for wouldn't be openly abusive. He might just like following women around and peeking into women's bathrooms–that sort of thing."

"He would be shy with women, especially you. You intimidate him so he probably couldn't look you in the eye," Hotch adds.

"The only way I could be a woman and run this factory is to make sure every man feels that way. I'm sorry."

"How many men work here?" you ask.

"Over fifty."

"We need to look through all your employee records."

She hopes you won't find anything in there, but she has no choice but to give over all the files. There is a lot considering the number of men that work here. There are too many of them to narrow down the list. He may be killing right now, and you're in this factory looking through files. Since there are fifty men, you take a chunk of the files to go through as does Spencer and Elle. Spencer may have a fast mind, Elle may know sex crimes like the back of her hand, but you have something they will never have. You can just look at a name and a picture and just peek into their life enough to know if they are the killer or not. So far, you have a dozen.

"So far, I found more than two dozen men that fit the target profile between the ages of thirty-five and fifty," Spencer sighs.

"This owner wasn't kidding," Elle scoffs. "Almost all of these guys had a citation for lewd behavior against the women here. They'd be warned once, and then they'd be fired if it happened again."

"Only one of these men showed up on police records with a sex crime. He beat up a prostitute when she refused to get rough," Navarro reveals.

"Not our guy," you shake your head. "He'd be scared, and he wouldn't have the confidence to stand up to a refusal."

"There are way too many men here to interview and not enough time," Derek sighs.

"Okay, we need to narrow down the profile. What would make our guy stand out?"

"From what you told me, he completely lacks machismo. He has none of the confidence of a typical man in Mexico... even with a knife in his hand."

"What was it that he said to the women after raping them?" you ask, coming to mind. "How did I do? A man with confidence doesn't need to ask that–he assumes it. He'd want approval in everything."

"Come on," Hotch says.

You get up and follow him out to Consuela who just sighs when she sees you two coming.

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