Machismo: Part Three

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Warnings: heavy angst, talk of rape, child rape (ten years old) by multiple men, not being believed about it, trauma related to rape, canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, fluff and angst

Author's Note: I really hope you guys accept what I have done to the reader in this story. It will all be relevant in later seasons. Though, please let me know what you think!


Captain Navarro wanted you to meet the District Attorney herself, the one woman who is in charge of this whole city, basically. She has a say in what comes and goes, and it was her that approved of Navarro's request to have your team come out here.

"Maria Sanchez, district attorney general. Do not be afraid," Navarro whispers to Gideon.

"Agent Gideon. Hello, It's an honor. Our papers are fascinated with the idea of a serial killer. When Navarro suggested that I invite you in to dispel this nonsense, I immediately saw the wisdom. But, enough formalities. I will let you get down to business. Excuse me."

She quickly says what she has to say and quickly makes her exit. She is a very busy woman, she doesn't have time to stick around. She is a tough woman, and she might be a problem later, you're not sure. Still, she's intimidating, that's for sure.

"She's worse in Spanish," Navarro jokes.

He takes you inside the station where the other officers crowd around their desks trying to work as hard as they can.

"The neighbors heard a loud fight the day of the murder between the victim, her son, daughter, and brother-in-law."

"One big happy family," Elle comments.

"Well, the uncle had a solid alibi, but we could not find the son. Then, we got a tip that he had hired a coyote to take him over the border. We caught him before he crossed," Navarro explains. He points to a woman who sits on the other side of the station all by herself. "That's Miguel's sister, Rosa. She's been here ever since she found out that her brother was arrested."

"Seems though she thinks he's innocent."

"The dutiful sister. This way."

Navarro takes you to the holding cells where Miguel is. He's alone, he's scared, and he doesn't know what to do. You can feel just how scared he is, so you look at Hotch when you approach his cell.

"I should do the talking," you whisper.

"Okay," he nods.

"Hi, Miguel," you say and step inside his cell. He barely looks at you, but you take a seat next to him anyway. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I'm with the FBI. I don't want to make this any harder than it has to be, but could you tell me about the fight you had with your mother?"

"I didn't hurt my mother."

"I didn't say you did. Why did you fight with her? Did it have anything to do with you leaving?"

"She didn't want me to go. She was angry," he sighs.

"It was more than that, Miguel. Look, I want to help you, okay? But you have to help me. I know you've been having problems with your mom for a long time. Why? What are you hiding? What truth would have your mother hiding your photographs in her drawer?" you ask gently.

He doesn't answer, and you look at Hotch and Gideon with a helpless look. If he doesn't give you anything, then you won't be able to help him.

"When did you first know?" Gideon suddenly asks.

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