Charm and Harm: Part One

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"There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts." - Voltaire

Sneaking around with Spencer is hotter than you thought it was going to be. JJ knows, and you're pretty certain Derek and Elle have their suspicions, but it's been going well for you two for a while now. It's been even more fun texting him flirty comments only to see his cheeks blush red and watching him explain to Derek why he's so flustered.

You, Derek, Elle, and Spencer are at your desks with Derek paying close attention to you, Spencer, and Elle. Elle has made two calls in the last hour, and you and Spencer are texting like crazy. You're not sure who she is calling or what she is calling about, but you know she hates the phone. She might be calling a boyfriend, but it's hard to focus on hers when you got one of your own.

You text Spencer and watch for his reaction. He's trying to do his work, but he can't not answer his phone, especially if you're the one who is messaging him. He sets his pen down and checks his messages, and Derek eyes him suspiciously.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you right now.

Spencer smiles subtly and leans back in his chair to respond to you.

"Who are you texting?" Derek asks him.

"No one," Spencer immediately replies.

Stop it. I'm trying to work here.

Oh, then you definitely shouldn't think about how much I want to take you back to my apartment right now.

What would we be doing?

Use your imagination ;)

Derek sees the blush on Spencer's face, and he sees the smirk on yours.

"Are you texting each other?"

"No. I'm texting my sister."

"I'm messaging one of my friends," Spencer says at the exact same time as you.

Elle's phone rings and she answers it only to hang up five minutes later. Thankfully, Derek moves on from you and Spencer to focus on her. Elle brushes some of her hair away from her face when she notices Derek staring at her.


"We've only been here an hour. You've made three calls."


"You hate the phone, Elle."

"I don't hate the phone!"

"Actually, you do. Did you know that Alexander Graham Bell and Eli Gray simultaneously invented electronic sound transmission devices? It came down to a race betwixt the two," Spencer says proudly.

"Yeah, and Bell beat Gray to the patent office by a matter of hours," you add with a smile.

Elle looks at you and Spencer weirdly before shaking her head and moving onto her own shit.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Derek wonders.

"We're sitting with a guy who knows that there are eight hundred kernels of corn on the average cob–"

"Ranged in sixteen separate rows," Spencer finishes for her.

"–and we're sitting with a woman who knows what you did during your freshman year of high school–"

"Doesn't quite work like that," you cut her off.

"–and you're calling me weird?"

"I knew it. You got a boyfriend," Derek grins.

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