What Fresh Hell?: Part Three

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"What do you mean you took the police off the street? What the hell?" William asks angrily.

"Mr. Copeland, I understand your anger, but it's really for the better."

"For the better?!"

"We believe your daughter was abducted by someone in the area, and that she's probably still nearby."

"What the fuck? You should be flooding the area with cops! Knocking on every door!" he shouts.

"You don't understand what we do. It's really not that simple," you try again, looking at Elle for help.

"Yes, it is!"

Elle doesn't have a chance to answer because Marilyn walks in and takes a seat at the table where her ex-husband is sitting. She sees how tired, hurt, angry, and overwhelmed he is. She doesn't have your abilities, but she does know when her ex is sick. She knows he has cancer again.

"You're taking the meds again," she sighs.

"Look... what exactly are you people doing to help get my daughter back?" he asks, dodging her accusation.

"You're sick again, aren't you?" she sniffles.

"We want you to meet with the press... both of you," Elle says.

"A press conference? That's what you have? You just said you're already taking the press that's running off the air!"

"Please, just try to trust us. This will be different."

The doorbell rings, and it's like a knife that's slicing through the tension in the room. It's a nice distraction from the current situation, but it's not enough to get completely off of it. Marilyn goes to stand up, but William beats her to it.

"I'll get it. Just tell Marilyn what you need us to do," he sighs and heads to the door.

"That was his second remission," Marilyn cries.

"I'm sorry," Elle sighs.

"Billie won't even talk to me anymore. How am I gonna tell her that her father's sick again?"

"Let's just focus on one thing at a time, Mrs. Copeland. Once we find your daughter, you'll figure it out," you smile kindly.

Something tugs at your soul to look out the window, and you're kind of glad you did. There is a woman at the door holding a bunch of papers. You're not sure what's on them, but you can tell whatever it is, it's not good. William takes one look at the papers and rushes to his truck with one thing on his mind. Based on the angry red glare coming off his body, you know he's fucking pissed. This woman must have shown or told him something to set him off.

"What the hell is this?" you mutter and get up.

Both you and Elle head to the door to see what this woman did to William to get him like this.

"Mr. Copeland? Mr. Copeland!" Elle yells after him, but he's already in his truck and driving away from the house.

"What the hell did you do?" you ask the stranger.

"There are sex offenders in the area. I thought he should know," she shrugs.

"Ugh, you're fucking stupid," you scoff and look at Elle who shares the same look of disgust. You take out your phone and dial your boss. "Hotch, we have a problem."


Mrs. Copeland was freaking out over what occurred between the random lady that showed up and her ex-husband. You thought it'd be best not to tell her what exactly was going on, and so you had the lady removed from the property so she doesn't cause any more emotional damage. While that was going on, you got a call from Gideon asking you to meet him at the nearby lake because a little girl's body had been washed ashore. They're not sure if it's Billie's, and with everything going on around you, you knew you'd have to be there if you were to identify if it was her or not.

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