Plain Sight: Final Part

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Warnings: tw: rape, tw: sexual assault

Elle and Hotch went to arrest the man who attacked Mrs. Gordon, and they made sure JJ was giving a press conference right where Hotch would be putting the man into the police car. His bright idea was if the unsub watched someone else get arrested for something he did, then he would come out and make a mistake. That mistake, you thought, would be him calling the police station to tell you how much of an idiot everyone was being. All you had to do was wait.

"He confessed to Mrs. Gordon's attack before we even got to the car," Elle said when they arrived back at the station. You were seated at one of the police desks with Spencer sitting next to you, messing with a Rubik's Cube. Now, all you had to do was wait until the unsub calls which you know he would.

The waiting was the hardest past since there is nothing you could do to make time go by faster. You could gather information at a crime scene faster, talk to witnesses faster, and even examine a body at the morgue faster. The only thing you couldn't manipulate was time. Detective Martin was on the phone since calls kept coming in with tips that might lead to the unsub, JJ was on the phone with Penelope since she would be tracing the call once it came in, and Derek hung up with a sigh since his call didn't lead anywhere.

Your phone, however, wasn't ringing.

"God, I hate waiting like this. It's the worst part," you sighed.

"Do you think it's weird that I knew that ballad?" Spencer asked, not looking up from the cube.

"Spencer, I think if you didn't, then you wouldn't be you. I expected you to know. I didn't even know even though I should have," you got off topic.

"Do you think it's why I can't get a date?" he asked, finally looking up to meet your eyes.

So, this is what's been bugging him this whole time.

"Have you ever asked anyone out?" you wondered.


"That's why you can't get a date. Look, Spencer, trust and believe me when I say this... any woman would be lucky to go on a date with you. Seriously," you smiled.

His cheeks tinted light pink, but the moment was soon forgotten when Detective Martin quietly let everyone know that the unsub was on his line.

"Line 6, Penelope. Line 6," JJ announced.

Picking up the phone, you pressed line six and put it on speakerphone for everyone to hear.

"You stupid, incompetent sons of bitches! I don't make mistakes! I am death! You hear me?! I am death! You'll see now. Tomorrow, mark my words, you will see. And while I'm taking her, I'm gonna be thinking of you," the man screeched angrily, slamming the phone down.

"Anything?" JJ asked the technical analyst. "She said she got nothing."

"Nothing?" Derek exclaimed in shock.

"We missed him?" you asked, not believing your ears.


"We have an undercover car for each of your teams, and the entire damn department out there, too," Captain Griffith announced.

Since the call, Penelope was able to get a vague area in which the call was made. The phone call bounced off multiple towers at the same time, so at least you got an area to work with. At least it will help you when you relied on your abilities to find the unsub.

"Remember, a truck. Maybe a work truck in excellent condition," Gideon reminded everyone.

"Everyone knows."

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