L.D.S.K.: Part Three

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Hotch wants everyone to reenact the shooting at the park to get a better idea of where the unsub was located. One of the cops is playing the unsub while the BAU team is on the field where the other victims were. With the help of the cones as well as your abilities, everyone has a place to call their own. The only people not on the field are Detective Calvin, Hotch, and Gideon.

Elle is standing where the father and son were playing catch. You, Spencer, and Derek are standing where the guy was flying the kite. Other officers are standing where the last victim was shot as well as bystanders. Everyone has comms in their ears to communicate with the agents at home base. They have cameras everywhere to get a good idea of where everyone was. You hold your camera and scan the area to see what your victim might have seen.

"Elle, Jerry Middleton was facing a little further south. Can you give it to us?" Hotch instructs over the comm.

"How's that?" she asks when she turns the camera more to her right.

"Perfect. Hold your camera right there."

"It doesn't look like Jerry Middleton had a clear view of the sniper's vehicle when he was shot. The tree branches were in the way," Gideon observes.

"I do have a clear view of the vehicle from here. Tim Reilly would have seen it if he'd looked down from the kite," Spencer informs.

"Good. Have the unsub pop the trunk. See if Reid can see it," Hotch orders.

A few moments later, and the trunk of the car pops open big enough to get the barrel of the gun through. You can see it, but only because you know that's not how the unsub did things.

"No, sorry, I can't."

"Hotch, I don't think he popped his trunk," you blurt out.

"It's the only way to stay hidden from everyone else."

"That depends on the kind of car the unsub uses. Didn't the really old cars used to have their gas tank behind their license plate? That pops open."

"We'll keep that in mind. Thank you. Okay, everyone, move to position two."

While everyone was shifting to the next positions, you take a few steps to your left to approach Derek. He's looking at Spencer as he scans the area, and you nudge his arm.

"You have to go easier on Spencer."

"What are you talking about?"

"A couple of mornings ago? You know how he feels about failing, and it feels like you're kicking him when he's down."

"I was just teasing him. He knows that."

"There's a difference between teasing and being mean."

"Why do you care? You got feelings for him or something? I heard about the two dates you've been on."

"So? We just went to see a movie," you shrug.

"That's not what I heard. A little birdie told me you two kissed."

"It was the cheek, and damn it Penelope," you curse.

"How'd you know it's her?"

You just give him a look that screams, "are you kidding me?" You turn back to the car where Officer McCarty is playing the unsub. You look off the right to see JJ, Gideon, and Detective Calvin hassling a news reporter. Something isn't right. The Detective walks over to Hotch who is on the phone with who you presume to be Penelope. Something is definitely not right.

A SWAT team approaches the car McCarty's in from behind. They get out a smoke bomb and unleash it so that McCarty's view is tainted. Shit, something is definitely wrong.

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