The Tribe: Part Two

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Author's Note: This episode deals with a lot of Native American talk/history/etc. I am not familiar with this topic at all, so I kind of used the slang/language/information that was given in the show. If I offend anyone or get something wrong, please let me know so I can change it :)


You quickly head over to the reservation school. Along the way, the sheriff got ahold of the principal who is scheduled to meet you out there. It's like she is a protective Mama Bear, and all she wants to do is protect her children. She meets you out there as soon as you arrive.

"Jane Bear, these are FBI agents Gideon, Hotchner, Y/L/N, and Reid."

Wow, you're not far off from Mama Bear.

"Hey," she nods and shakes the hands of everyone there.

"Miss Bear is the president of the tribal council and principal of the reservation school."

"President and a principal. You must be a busy woman," Gideon chuckles.

"We're out here on our own Agent Gideon. We all do our part."

"Is John inside?" the sheriff asks.

"Is this about the Terra Mesa killings?"

"They just wanna talk to him."

"John Blackwolf has done more to help his tribe than anyone. Jim, how many times have you called him into find lost hikers? How many drunken campers has he tracked down for the park service? John is a peaceful man," she comes to his defense.

"Who would not hesitate to defend this tribe with force, if attacked."

"What does this have to do with Terra Mesa?"

"As long as John considers the building of the Terra Mesa development on Apache land to be an attack."

"The developers have paid a lot to the families to leave the reservation. So many families have gone now that we can barely fill a single class," she sighs.

She doesn't argue any longer and takes you and your team inside the classroom where John is at the head of the class. All his students look to him for answers, and you admire the passion they have for the subject.

"Forcing the dene, the Apache nation to abandon their homes and live in government-controlled internment camps. Does anybody know the last tribe to surrender to the American government?" he asks his class.

Spencer whispers the answer, and you just nudge him with a smile on your face. He is a know-it-all, but the children are here to learn.

"It was the Chiricahua's Apache. Does anybody know the name of the last leader of the Apaches?"

"Geronimo," Spencer mutters under his breath, and your smile doesn't leave your face.

"I know," a young boy raises his hand. "Geronimo."

"That's right. He was caught by the U.S. Army five times! However, the Ga'he had given him so much strength that he escaped each time," he says proudly. He looks around the room and points to a young boy, and he calls on him. "Samuel."


"Tell the men and women from the FBI who the Ga'he are?"

"The Ga'he are mighty spirits who dwell in desert caves," Spencer blurts before he can stop himself.

You snicker into your arm, but you get yourself under control before you're in trouble too.

"Reid, is your name Samuel?" Hotch glares at Spencer who bows his head.

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