Derailed: Part One

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"A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind." - Robert Oxton Bolton

You're super excited to go on a trip to Texas with Elle by yourselves to interview a child molester for ViCAP. It's an exciting opportunity, and you're glad Hotch and Gideon let you do this on your own. You and Elle haven't hung out a lot, so this is a great way to bond with her. You're only going to be gone for a few days, but this is a good chance to prove yourself to the team you're capable of doing a lot more than connecting with energies. You have other uses or else the two PhDs you have were for nothing.

Being on the train to Texas gives you a lot more time to think about your life and the people that are in it. Penelope's words echo back into your mind from your conversation a few days ago.

Honey, if you want to ask him out, you have to just go for it. He does not do well with subtle gestures and comments. If you want something more, you have to make it happen.

Spencer does come across as the kind of person that waits for things to happen instead of grabbing them when he wants them. If anything is going to happen between you two, then you need to do something about it. Thinking about what Spencer likes, and considering your four past dates, you have the perfect place to take him. Hopefully you're still in an area with phone service, so you take out your phone and dial Spencer.

"Hey, are you guys there?" he greets.

"No, we still have an hour left. Listen, I know you love reading, and I happen to live next door to a very small but very rare bookstore. It doesn't have a lot of space, but the books there are so valuable, I was thinking if you want to go with me."

"What kind of books?" he asks.

You can't see him, but you know he has a smile on his face. The thought of any kind of book brings him chills.

"I've never actually been inside, but I hear they have first editions of some really good ones. I know you're a fan of War and Peace, right?"

"I'd love to go with you. When did you want to go? When you get back?" he asks, but his voice cuts out.

You must be going through an area with terrible cell service, because you can't understand anything he's saying right now.

"Spencer? Can you hear me?" you ask.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" he asks, but like before, it cuts out.

Soon, the call is disconnected, and you're left disappointed. Elle, who was on the phone with Gideon, must have experienced the same thing.

"Did your call cut out too?" you ask.

"Yeah. So, you and Reid, huh?"

"What about us? We're just friends."

"Friends who've been on five dates."

"I don't know what it is, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't, but we're figuring it out. In the meantime, please don't tell anyone. I don't want Hotch or Gideon to think I can't do my job just because I like someone on the team. I can separate the two, but I need to know exactly what I'm separating."

"My lips are sealed."

"So, what do we know about this guy?" you ask.

She's the one who has the case file on the guy you're supposed to be meeting. You don't know a lot about him, but this case file is all you're going to need to do exactly that. You're about to switch from your seat to the one next to her when the train suddenly stops. Everyone is pushed forward to a halt. Everyone is on guard and alert, and you just look to the doors to see a security guard enter the cabin.

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