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The door bursted open. I gasped and pulled away from Harry's arms. I didn't know who it was and it would've been really awkward if someone totally walked in on us. It was followed by loud talking and an obnoxious laugh. Who the heck is it? It was loud and noisy followed by a lot of chatter. Me and Harry both turned around our head when our kiss was interrupted. His hands were firmly gripping the side of my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our fingers were both locked with each others with his arm around me. I totally forgot that the door was open and I saw the boys. Of course it was them! They were talking and laughing with each other when it became silent as soon as their eyes gazed over us. Niall dropped his keys onto the floor. Liam and Louis looked confused at first and Zayn peered over at our direction. Their reaction. Oh my god. They all stood in a line and I knew immediately that they were trying to hide their laugh. It was like as if they were waiting for this moment and it finally came. Liam cupped his hand over his mouth then sort of pointed. Niall had this evil look on his face when he lifted his face from the chip bag. That little leprechaun. Zayn's mouth was literally hanging open which eventually turned into this huge smile. I guess he was fixing his quiff when he quickly tapped Louis in excitement. Louis had this "I-TOLD-YOU-FACE" on and pointed towards us. Josh was the last person to walk in. He was behind Zayn and he had this disappointed look on. I thought I saw this sad look and he sort of turned his head away from us. He was perfectly fine when he came to visit like yesterday. Was something wrong? I cleared my throat and straightened myself out. I smoothed out my clothes and tapped myself lightly on my cheeks. I scratched the back of my head and greeted them with nervousness. I stuttered a couple of words. Harry had this pleasent look on while I was figuring out how to explain all this. I coughed and hacked until I finally was able to say something. I was a bit worried about how they were going to react so I decided to put my horrible acting skills to use.

"Uhh.. Hey! What- What are you guys doing here? Hah.. Ahahaha.. Long time no see...? Heh.."

I quickly smacked away Harry's arm and scooted away from him. I inched away hoping they wouldn't notice and point it out. My mouth felt suddenly dry and parched. I swallowed a lathe gulp and sheepishly waved hello. Harry was still in the same position as where I had left him a few seconds ago. I also let go of his hand and pretended nothing happened. Harry stared back at me. He gave me a "what-are-you-doing-look" then tweaked his head sideways. Harry started scooting next to me and tried to hug me but I escaped. I jerked back and forth whenever he tried to put his arms around me. I sat all the way at the end of the couch which was the farthest seat away from Harry. It looked like Harry was trying to say something but he closed his mouth when I gave him the look to shush. The boys were still frozen in front of us with the face they had on before. They were all giving us this suspicious look and turned around their heads to laugh. Suddenly, Louis had this mischievous grin on his face and came running over to us. He jumped between us in the sofa and waved his arms in front of our faces. I could tell the excitement in his face and Niall also ran after him. He squeezed in right between us and put his arm around me. I peeked over at Harry to see his reaction and he had a frown on. As a joke, I cuddled right into Niall's arms and gave him a kiss on his cheeks. Harry's face was red. He cringed his eyebrows and shook his head side by side. Ahhh. The joy of making him jealous. His mouth was half open and it was so hard to control my laughter. I buried my face into Niall's arms so he wouldn't see me laughing. He wouldn't stop staring at us and watched our every move. Louis, the chatterbox, started hyperventilating. He was fanning himself with his hands and got really close to Harry's face. He grabbed ahold of his cheeks into his hands and made him look into his eyes. Harry's cheeks were squished together like a guppy.


"Uhh- Louis. It's not what it looks like! Trust me! Right Harry? We were just like watching a movie! Yeah! You still have Harry Louis! He's not leaving you! Here! Take him!"

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