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"Jerks. Plain jerks. Wow.. First day of school and it's already going great. And the curly-haired guy.. Whatever.."

I muttered these words to myself during the walk to school. I shoved my hands in my pocket, and trotted to school. I was in a bad mood and it wasn't a good way to start off the day. I had thought of going back home, but I would only be yelled at so I decided to suck it up. I was still a little shaken up by what had happened. I still shivered at the thought of the whole fiasco with the group of boys.

"Stupid Chandler. Stupid curly-haired guy. Stupid everyone."

I kicked a can off to the side of the road and glanced down. It was a bit chilly and I wore light clothing. I wasn't feeling that good today, more like "shaken-up-almost-near-raped-kidnapped" feeling. I was lost in my thoughts. I walked around in circles just kicking down at the ground. Then I decided to check what time it was. I took my phone out and checked the time.

It was 8:05.


I quickly shoved my phone into my back pocket and sprinted. I slung my book-bag and ran as fast as I could. Everything was a blur around me and I ran with all my strength. I couldn't be late- not on the first day of school!

"Ohhh NONONONO not on the first day. C'mon! AGH! GOSH."

I was already a few minutes late. I finally arrived at the building- panting and breathing heavily. My throat yearned for some water and I was all hot now from the running. My heart was pounding rapidly and I felt lightheaded and a little dizzy. I calmed myself down and gave myself a pat on the back for running probably the fastest in my lifetime. I barely had time to catch my breath and I was coughing and hacking like crazy. I stood in front of the school building and sighed.

"Oh.. Oh- Okay. Your here. Now what?"

I thought to myself. I ruffled my hair a little in frustration and clenched my fist. I pulled back a lock of my hair then thought

"Okay. You can do it."

I quickly ran up the stairs. I didn't bother even looking down when I suddenly missed a step and started to fall backwards. My foot slipped on the stairs and I was swinging my arms around to find balance but it was already to late. I cursed under my breath and closed my eyes tightly and braced for impact with the cement ground.

"Ohhh please be over quickly and as less painful please.."

I clenched my jaw and my fists carefully and just wanted to cry. I shut my eyes then was on my way to falling from the stairs. This just had to happen. It just had too. I didn't have time to react by holding onto something or turning around and stepping off. I pitied myself then just everything happened so quickly.


I was falling backwards when suddenly I wasn't on face forward on the ground- but in someone's arms. Everything happened so quickly and I didn't notice what had happened. I felt a warm breath breathing against my hair and something warm was wrapped around me. I had basically shrieked and swung my arms around trying to find balance. I squealed a bit and suddenly


Then I heard heavy panting behind me very close to my neck. Someone was breathing against my neck and their warm breast smelled like vanilla and honey. Someone had caught me from the behind in their arms. Somebody's arms were around me and basically hugged me. I didn't turn around for about a second because I was embarrassed. We stayed in that position for about 30 seconds. I stood still for a moment being afraid to look who it was. My face was red as a tomato and I thought

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