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***few hours later***

"Hey are we still on for coffee today?"

My co-worker Elle asks me. I look down on my wrist at my watch. It was 4:55.

"Ahh- Shoot. Sorry. I've got this client meeting.. Can I take a rain check? Speaking of which, I've gotta go. Sorry!

I give her a light hug and say goodbye. I quickly freshened myself up again by touching up on my make-up, and straightening out my clothing. I had on a white, lacy dress with a jean vest and pink lipstick. I pinned my side bangs with a bobby pin and grab my handbag. My chair swiveled around a few times as I rushed out the door and into the elevator. I drummed my fingers along the rail as I waited for the elevator to stop at the 7th floor. Humming to the tune of the elevator music, the elevator in finally dinged open.


I stood in front of the conference door and checked myself one more time in my handy-dandy mirror. I smacked my lips together for the last time and reached for the door knob. Who could the new client be? I was always curious to know. Reaching for the doorknob, I swiveled it open. The door swung open in the opposite direction and I took a step inside. There were a group of guys who was facing in the other direction and I knocked a couple times on the door to get their direction.

"Hello my name is Emi-"

I stopped halfway in my sentence. There was a guy in a white-shirt who turned his head to direct his attention towards me when I saw who it was. I held my breath for a moment and my throat parched for water. Our eyes met directly and suddenly my handbag clattered onto the floor. It created a loud noise which snapped me back into reality.

"It was Harry."

It had felt like time had slowed down around us and I stumbled backwards a bit. I felt my lips quiver a bit by bit. There was silence around the room and I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. My hands were trembling quite badly. Harry immediately stood up from his seat and took a step towards me. I gasped and quickly turned around to face the other direction- when I saw Claudia coming in. She smiled at me as she signaled me to go back inside.

"Right on time Em. I see you've already met our clients. They are the band, One Direction. Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Liam. By the way, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I.. Uhh- I'm sorry.. I gotta go."

Without even bothering to pick my bag up, I shoved Claudia off to the side an started sprinting down the halls. Behind me, I could hear Harry chasing me while yelling out my name and pleading me to stop for just a moment.


I tried my best to hold back my tears as I zoomed past countless people. Because of my lacking ability of exercise, Harry eventually caught up to me easily. I felt a gentle- yet strong tug on my wrist which thrusted me backwards to face Harry. He looked much older. His curls, dimples, and everything else was the same but there was something about him that seemed different. His eyes still had the same shade of greenish-blue with the little curl sticking out that could never be tamed. I thought to myself.

"This can't be happening.."

Harry held my wrist close to his face as I kept my eyes trained on the floor. I felt his breath on my skin which gave me chills. Harry had an iron grip on me which he refused to let go. I tried to thrust him off and shove him aside but his feet were firmly planted onto the ground. It was helpless. People were staring at us which made me feel uncomfortable. They pointed and whispered to each other. Harry must've noticed because he silently pulled me off to the side into an empty room. He closed the door behind him and it was then when he finally loosened up on the grip. I winced when pain shot up my wrist and I spat out to him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I think we need to talk Em."

"Talk? About what? I nothing to say to you anymore. Open the damn door."

"Well just listen then because I need to talk to you. What happened Emily? You don't pick up your phone for the last what- 6 years? You suddenly move? I don't hear a single word or news about you. And now you run away from me? Why? Just why?"

"You're really asking me that? You and me- you and me Harry, we were over years ago. It's none of your business if I move, change my number, or whatever. Now goodbye. I'll tell Claudia to get you guys another designer because there's no way in hell that I'll be doing this."

"Wait- Em, if you're still mad about Prom Night and how I left so abruptly, I explained it all in the let-"

"You are just unbelievable. Upset? Mad? Enough with your excuses. You have no idea what I went through."

"Emily, I thought I explained it all in the letter."


"Please.. Just listen to me."

"I have nothing more to say. I.. I gotta go. Goodbye Harry."


Before Harry could finish his sentence, I pushed him aside and headed for the door. I clamped my hand over my mouth shut and tears started to stream down my face uncontrollably. One by one, it wetted my shirt. I jogged over to a small corner of the hallway and leaned against the wall. I rested my head and started to sob quietly. I heard several hurried footsteps and a set of panting behind me that belonged to Harry. I knew that he was looking for me but I didn't want to be found. All those memories that I tried so hard to erase just flooded into my head all at once. Closing my eyes, I hoped that this all was just a dream- but it wasn't. It was reality. Flashbacks of Harry were replying vividly inside my head.

"Emily? You okay? What happened? You don't look well."

It was Claudia. I quickly wiped away my tears with my hands and sniffled my nose. I knew that my eyes were probably red and swollen from crying but it was worth a try. I tucked a lock of my hair behind my ears and tried to make it look like I wasn't crying. I cupped my face with my hands and sighed out loud. I turned around to face Claudia and her face had a confused look and stared at me as if she was trying to make sense of everything that's happened. Biting the insides of my lips, I slowly responded back to her.

"Look.. I- I can't do this. You're gonna have to find someone else.. I'm sorry.."

"Em. Do you and that guy know each other? What happened?"

"I- Uh- Don't know him. You're just gonna have to find somebody else to do the job."

"Emily, please don't be like this. We need you on this. They are refusing to sign a contract without you as the designer and you know how important this is for the company."

"Claud.. Please.."

"Whatever it is that you've got going on with that guy, just set it aside. For me?"

"Claudia.. I'll- I'll think about it.."

"Great! Let me know tomorrow morning."

"Yeah.. I guess so.."

Claudia bursted out in this great, big smile as she gave me a big hug. She disappeared around the corner of the hallway and I immediately clutched my forehead. Feeling a bit woozy and light-headed, I used the wall as support and barely managed myself to stand up. My head was cluttered with so many thoughts and a tear ended up escaping the corners of my eyes. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. Why did it have to be One Direction? Why did it ever have to be Harry?

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