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The next few months, me and the boys were got really close to each other. We were practically family. We always stuck with each other and the boys would always shield me from the glares and whispers. Me and Louis were even more closer. He was like my big brother and sometimes felt like a big sister. We were family and had a tight bond with each other. Except Harry. He was still the same. I didn't know why. Maybe he just didn't like me? But if I think about it, there's no really particular reason why he would hate me. There was a part of me that liked him but also a part of me telling me not too. I kind of had feelings for him. Harry was always off to the side when my and the boys were locking arms with each other. He was at the edge of the couch when we were all huddled together on one part. He would watch me from a distance, and come in whenever I needed him. Harry was like batman. He would come in when I needed him but soon disappear after. He was always out of my reach. I cared for him a lot. Problems with Chandler got worse. He just wouldn't stop. It was to the point of obsession. He annoyed me and I ended up ignoring him now. I wanted to get like a restraining order or something but that would be maybe a little too harsh? He often bothered me by waiting by my locker or stopping me in the middle of the hallways. Whenever he came near me, Harry would always pull me off to the side. Sometimes I felt like Harry liked me back too, but sometimes I felt like he hated me. I was pretty sure he hated me. Nice going Emily. It kind of seemed like he avoided me on purpose. I wasn't sure. Maybe I did something wrong for him to not like me. Jeez. There wasn't any reason to actually like hate me. I couldn't keep him off of my mind. He was in my head everyday. I would find myself smiling like an idiot when I thought of him. I stared often into his room and stay like that for hours. I felt stupid but in a good way. I got butterflies in my stomach whenever he passed me by in the halls. I found myself staring at him during his football practice and sometimes our eyes met. I would immediately turn away refusing to look at him face to face. I don't know. I was just confused. One day I went down the stairs with hot cocoa in my hand. I was walking by the fireplace when I noticed something. I stopped halfway and turned to my side. The picture with him and Michelle was no longer there. All the other pictures were there. Him and Gemma, family, silly pictures- except the one him holding hands with her. That was weird. I searched for it a little bit looking around but it was no where to be found. There laid the empty spot of where the picture stood. I ran my fingers along the place and tapped my hands on it. I traced the shape of the picture frame in the air. I stood in front of the fireplace placing the mug off to the side. Did Harry put it away? Why did he? It was weird. Just a little weird to me.

H-A-R-R-Y. He was killing me. That name always rang at the back of my head. HARRY STYLES. HARRY. STYLES. Even his name sounds too perfect. AGH. What was happening to me? >



It was Saturday night. The stars were out and the kids across the street were hanging up Christmas lights. In my Winnie the Pooh PJs, tangled hair, and a tank top. My hair was stuck in a sock bun and I was barely able to secure my bangs with a bobby pin. I was curled up into a ball leaning against the wall on beside my bed. I was in bed the whole day unless I HAD to get up. Josh came by earlier by the house and I grumpily answered the door. I sighed as I greeted him and was startled when I saw his face.

"So I guess your not happy to see me?"

"Oh.. No.. Just a little tired. Harry isn't home right now."

"I see. You look pretty today Emily. Uhh- Sorry. That was a bit stupid.. I- it just came out."

"Thanks Josh. You don't need to be sorry. Haven't heard that in a long time actually."

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