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Everything had happened so quickly. It all happened in a wink. Sean had taken something out of his pocket, and had lunged for Emily. At first I didn't know what he had- something shiny with a black handle. I couldn't recognize it at first because it was a small object. Her back was turned to him to face me and by the time I shouted her name, it was already too late. I tried to push her aside before he got to her but it was no use.


I heard her gasp for a split second ad she immediately clutched her right side. Her hair swished around from the breeze and her mouth was half-opened. No words came out except for a small whimper. Red liquid was seeping out from between her fingers. I let out a loud shriek and immediately lunged for Sean's throat. He fell backwards and I threw a couple of punches at his face till his nose was bloodied up. I continued to beat him senseless almost to the point of murdering him. Sean laid on the grass now unconscious and probably with a broken nose. I immediately sprinted over to Emily and caught her waist before she stumbled backwards onto the ground. I barely caught her head before she had hit the cement.

"Oh my god.. Em.. Oh my god."

The corner of my eyes started welling up and tears flowed uncontrollably. Emily was breathing very faintly and I trembled as I gently brushed aside her hand that was over the wound. I was scared and afraid of what I would see. As soon as her hand was brushed aside, blood flowed and stained my hands. This wasn't happening. Her shirt had been soaked with the red liquid and I gasped. I felt my heart stop for a second and stared into Emily's eyes. Her breathing was very faint and she looked pale. I could tell that she was slipping away from me little by little and I started screaming at her to keep her eyes open.


She was struggling to breath now and she slowly raised up her hand up to my cheek. She was barely staggering along. I took her hand in mine and I kissed the palm with trembling lips. I started screaming and yelling for the neighbors to call the ambulance. People gathered around us and were scrambling to call the ambulance. For some reason, this felt like déjà vu. This was exactly how Michelle had slipped away from me. It was exactly like this. Gone- forever. Michelle had died in my arms. I couldn't lose Emily like I did with Michelle. I still remembered Michelle's last words. I didn't know what I would do without Em. I saw Emily drifting in and out of consciousness and I was sobbing into her t-shirt. I applied pressure on the stab wound trying to stop the bleeding but it had already made a puddle behind her. Blood pulsed out and I didn't know what to do. Sean had already ran off in the opposite direction but I didn't care. Emily kept on trying to say something but I told her to keep quiet. My vision was blurry with my tears clouding it but she was being stubborn- as usual.


"I'm- I'm.. I'm not going anywhere.."

"Oh god. Please. No. This isn't happening.. Just don't close your eyes.."

"I.. Now you be good.. I love you.."

Then, her hand that I was holding into slumped over to the side. Her head fell to the side and was no longer supporting itself. I was scared that I might have actually lost her. She couldn't be possible dead? No. It was impossible. The thought of it made me get goosebumps. She slowly closed her eyes and her body laid limp. Her hand fell off to the side- lifeless. I swallowed a lump in my throat and opened my mouth to say something- but no words came out. My hands were trembling as I tried to shake her body to wake her up. It all seemed like a dream. As if she was just sleeping. Like Sleeping Beauty. I slowly scooped and gathered her into my arms and started sobbing. Her face was pale and had her cheeks had lost that rosy color. I begged and pleaded for to open her eyes again.

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