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"Cameron..? I gotta tell you something.."


"Well.. The bets off.. One of my friends just caved in and they lost, so it's over now. And I'm so sorry but Har-"

"Yeah.. I know.. He looks pretty upset. I hope he isn't too mad. Here's what. When we get to the top, go to Harry. But you still owe me a lunch date tomorrow okay?"

"Of course Cam. Thanks. And I'm sorry for Harry- he gets jealous really easily. But he's really sweet."

Once we got to the top, Cameron helped me off the lift. Harry was still halfway and we had a bit of time before he arrived. I was a little afraid how Harry was going to react. Cameron was going to go snowboard with his friends now so he would give me and Harry some private time. Cameron was so sweet and nice with a sense of humor. I said goodbye to him and waved. Right before he left, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks and started walking away. He also messed up my side bangs and I gave him a big hug.

"Bye Cameron!"

"See you tomorrow beautiful."

Cameron gave me on last wave before snowboarding down the mountain. I waited for Harry to come by the lift and he was almost here. Brianna and the rest of the girls were still stuck right next to him and I felt uncomfortable. He didn't seem to pay them any attention but it still made me jealous. I took a deep breath and waited patiently. After about a minute, he finally arrived. Brianna still had her arms locked with Harry's which really pissed me off.

"Hey Harry! Dani told me the bet was over because of Liam..."


"Harry? You mad?"

"Niall told me.."

"Harry.. Are you mad? Cameron's just a friend.. And Brianna? You mind getting off of my boyfriend?"

"You guys sure looked like you were hitting it up great."

"Look Harry you don't need to say it like that and he's just a fri-"

"Go away bitch. Can't you tell that Harry doesn't want you anymore? He's got me. Now go. I don't ever want to see you around Harry again. Shoo bitch."

Brianna spatted out with her high nasally voice. I would've slapped the bitch upside down with a fish. Then, something unexpected happened. Brianna suddenly kissed Harry- on his lips. She just pulled his face close and smushed her lips right on top of his. The surprising part was. Harry didn't even pull back. Brianna wrapped her arms around his neck and I felt myself trembling. He just stayed in the same position while Brianna was exchanging saliva with him. That felt like a slap across the face. Wow. Watching your boyfriend make out with some blonde right in front of you. It wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world. Harry instantly jerked her away and shove her aside. He started walking towards me and I stumbled backwards a bit. I felt the color drain out of my face and my throat suddenly thirsted for water. Harry reached his hand out to me but I jerked back. I suddenly felt the corners of my eyes get watery. Then, tears started to stream down my face. I couldn't control it. I felt my head slowly fall to the ground and I murmured while crying.

"Good. Because you can have him now."

"Emily I swe-"

Then, I got my ski goggles on and just raced down the mountain before Harry could even finish his sentence. Problem was, I didn't know how to ski. Oh shit. I had just figured that out and it was a bit too late. I zoomed past people screaming and yelling for them to move aside. I was stupid for realizing that I never went skiing before right now. My vision was all blurry and watery which made it obviously worse. I swung my ski poles like a crazy person trying to get people out of the way. I couldn't stop myself and I just tried my best to stay balanced and not fall. I heard Harry yelling and screaming my name behind me but I was too busy trying to keep myself alive.

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