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"Where.. Where did you even get this? It's beautiful Harry.."

"I got it a while ago for you but for some reason I never had the guts to actually give it to you.."

"Well.. I think it's just gorgeous, and Harry.. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I never meant any of it."

I shifted away from Harry's grasp and grazed my thumbs over his cheek in soothing circles. I was feeling bad for the things I had said earlier and maybe Harry was a bit upset about it. I had said some harsh things that I regretted a lot. Harry looked like he was glancing back and forth and held my hand tightly. He rose it where his face was and planted a small kiss on it on the palm of my hand. I swept his curls off to the side and suddenly Harry's puppy eyes look turned into a grin- as if an idea popped up into his head. I slowly cocked my head sideways wondering what was going on his head. I shifted in front of him and stared at him with doubt.

"Okay. What is going on in that head of yours Styles. You have that look on right now."

"Well.. I admit I am a bit hurt still.. ..."

"Spill it Styles."

"I wanna tag along with you tomorrow for your date with that guy."

"First of all, his name is Cameron. And why? You afraid I might fall for him? Hmmm?"

"Just let me go with you! Can't I just please follow you?"

"I- Fine. You can tag along. But you gotta promise me something, be nice to him okay?"

"Sure thing babe. I don't bite- unless I have too."

I rolled my eyes at him and shoved him away. Typical Harry. Of course he wanted to tag along with me. He had a cheeky grin on and I felt his arms wrap around my waist slowly causing me to smile a bit. I tucked a lock of my hair behind me ears and he kissed me lightly on the lips. I locked my fingers around with his. I wasn't exactly sure about the idea of him coming along but eventually shrugged it off. Harry pulled me over to the couch and patted down for me to lay down against him. We were silent for a moment when he cleared his throat and asked.

"So there is nothing going on between you and Cameron- right?"

"Harry! Stop that! I'm seriously hurl something at your face if you keep this up!"

I shot him a glare and instantly stood up from my current position. Harry was smiling from ear to ear and I punched him on his arm. His arms were wide open and kept on tugging on my wrist wanting me to hug him again. While, swatting his arms away in annoyance, he patted down at his lap. I sat down and put my arms around his neck. Harry started whispering into my ears.

"There's only one bed you know.."

I immediately started to feel flustered.

"Uhh.. I'll take the couch. You can take the bed. I mean- couches are awesome! Go couches..?"

"Emily. Do you really think I would let you sleep on the couch?"

"Actually.. I'm not that tired.. You go and sleep first and I'll come soon."

"You sure? Because your it's written in your forehead, EXHAUSTED."

"Totally not true Styles."

"Is something wrong love? Your acting a little odd."

"Err.. Sorry.. It's just I've never actually shared a bed with a guy."

"There's a first to everything beautiful."


Harry who happened to be standing in front of me suddenly bent down. Harry brought his height down to mine and his facial expression turned into a grin. Then, he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up from the couch- bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck in caseHe dropped me and he was chuckling now. It took him less than a second before he started carrying me off to the bedroom. He carried me with such ease that I didn't even have time to argue with him. Harry kicked the door to the bedroom open and gently laid me down in the king-size bed. I crossed my arms and gave him a look.

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