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"Harry.. Harry? Wake up lad! C'mon.. Open your eyes Haz!"

"Shhh! Shut up Niall! He's sleeping! He needs all the rest he can get. Didn't you hear the doc?"

"But he's been sleeping for so long!"

"Well, the doctor said that he's suppose to wake up soon so let's just wait. Stop bothering him!"

I thought I heard Liam and Niall's voice off in the distance. It was very faint- like there were bubbles around my ears. I felt a little shake and a tug on my arms as if someone was trying to get my attention. It was a bit noisy for a while and you could totally hear the bickering that was going on. Liam and Niall were bickering back and forth at each other. Everything died down as soon as I heard the door slide open and a few footsteps that came towards me. There were a few scribbles on a notepad and the clicking of pens. Then, I heard Zayn's frantic voice.

"Doc! Doctor! Why isn't he waking up?"

"Harry here is still probably under anesthesia from the transfusion. His body needs rest. The medicine lasts a pretty long time. It might still be a few hours for him to wake up. We just have to wa-"

I slowly opened my eyes to find a light that almost blinded me. There were blur spots all over my vision and I tried to rub my eyes. My throat burned for water and it was parched. I felt a bit light-headed and dizzy. I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the room around me when suddenly Liam's eyes went big and he yelled at the top of his lungs.


The boys all rushed around me- crowding around the tiny hospital bed and were giving me punches and slaps on the arm. I had no idea what was going on and Niall had a slice of pizza in his hands. I was pushed and shoved around and were greeted with a big hug. All of them were talking so loud and fast at the same time that I couldn't catch on what anything they were saying. I felt overwhelmed and needed some space. It all seemed like gibberish and I just looked around the room wondering where I was. I rubbed the temples of my forehead a couple of times when suddenly the doctor came over towards me. He took out a mini flashlight and flashed them into my eyes. He also did a little test with the stethoscope and scribbled some more on the piece of paper.

"Welcome back Harry. How are you feeling? My name is Dr. Robinson. And boys- he's still a patient."

"I.. Just a little dizzy."

"That's normal. From the amount of blood we took- you probably shouldn't even be awake by now. It's a miracle that you woke up this early."

"Blo-? Wait- Where's.. Where's Emily?"



I ripped off the IV that was inserted into my arm by a syringe. Blood sprouted out a tiny bit and Liam and Zayn were hurrying to strap me down. I started pulling off all the wires from these weird machines and were frantically searching for Emily. I had remembered now. It wasn't just a dream. It was reality. The doctor and the boys were trying to restrain me- grabbing me by the arms and legs for me to calm down. The little cart full of needles and syringes had clattered down onto the floor and it was a mess. I tried to get away from them and were screaming for Emily. I propped myself up from the bed- just to find myself have a dizzy spell and clutched my forehead. I started to breath heavily and by the time the doctor got me secured, he was panting. The boys was off to the side and looked at me with a worried look. The doctor said between heavy pants.

"You.. You need to calm down and rest Harry. Your body needs to make up the amount of blood that was taken from you. And the other patient- Emily, is in the intensive care unit. The worst is over but her condition seemed to be rapidly deteriorating."

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