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***6 Years Later..***

"So Emily.. You're known as one of the most elite, prestigious, top fashion designer on the run-way. Do you have any tips to make it big in this business?"

"Prestigious? I think that's a bit of an over exaggeration. You just gotta think creative, and out-of-the-box."

" I think that's some very good advice. Well that's all the time we have for today. Thank you Miss Emily for being our guest of the day and I'll see you next time."


The filming director yelled.

"Thank you Em. You've been a real sweetheart. I'll be looking forward to your next clothing line!"

"Thank you for having me. It's been a real treat."

I shook Ellen's hand as she walked into her dressing room. As she disappeared down the hallway, I myself being able to breath a bit again. I sighed out in relief and drummed my fingers against my legs. Being a live guest on the Ellen Degeneres Show was a lot of pressure. I scratched the back of my head as I leaned against the wall for support. Clutching my forehead, I instantly ti'd my hair back into a ponytail. While I brushed the bumps of my hair with my fingers, I suddenly felt warm hands slide over my waist.


"Hey. You did great."

"Thanks.. It was awkward."

"You did gorgeous out there."

"Thanks Josh.."

So here I am, after 6 years. I ended up graduating at a top, prestigious fashion school in New York and was scouted immediately. I now worked under Express, one of the most elite company, as a fashion designer. I put together countless run-ways, designed brand-name clothing, and worked with a few celebrities here and there. I've made a few headlines of my own as "2013's It Girl" and whatnot.

"I think you were gr-amazing."


"Great and amazing. I just smushed them together."

"Mhm.. Can we go grab something to eat? I'm starving."

"Made reservations at Red, you're fave. Let's go."

Josh led me by my waist to the exit of the building. Now you're probably wondering, what happened with Harry? Harry. Harry Styles. Wow. I haven't thought of that name in a long time. I felt my face harden up as I recalled the memories from years ago. Harry was just now a part of my past. He was a part of my past that I wanted to erase and forget about. I haven't heard about him or spoken to him in a number of years. Ever since he left, I was just broken.

"Harry Styles.. Haven't thought of that name in a long, long time."

I always kept myself busy whether it was working, sleeping, playing so I wouldn't be reminded of him which led me to where I am today. But, I was never the same. After Harry was gone, I basically shut myself down from the rest of the world. Didn't eat, sleep, talk, or do anything. I basically cried everyday. I was never the same as I was before ever again. Along the way, me and Josh somehow got together. I depended on Josh and he was able to get me out of that whole "shutting-off-everyone" thing. I leaned against him when I needed a friend the most. One day, Josh just hugged me out of nowhere for a very long time and confessed his feelings for me.

"Emily? Hello? Earth to Em?"

Josh waved his hands in front of my face to get my attention.

"Wha- Huh?"

"What'chu thinking about there? You okay? If you're still worried about that interv-"

"Nothing.. Just revisiting some old memories."

"Old memories? Like what?"

"Oh.. Just.. You know. Stuff from long ago. I don't even remember half of it. Whatever. Let's go."

***few hours later***

"Can't you stay for a bit longer?"

"I'm sorry Josh but Claudia asked for me."

"Fine.. I'll see you soon babe."

"Mhmkay.. Bye."

I gave Josh a light kiss on the lips before climbing out of the car. I waved goodbye to him as he signaled me to go inside. I smiled at him one last time and headed my way up towards my Claudia's room, my boss. Her secretary told me that she had asked for me during my lunch time for something urgent and important. I wondered what was wrong. What was so important that she had left 4 text messages and a few missed calls? I straightened out my clothing and redid my lipstick before knocking on her office door.

"Come in."

"Claudia? You wanted to see me?"

"Ahh- yes. I'll make this short. I gonna need you to take on a new client- clients actually."

"Claud, you know I've got my hands full with Christina Aguilar's and Gwen Stefani's fashion showcase at the end of the mo-"

"Please. This one's a big one and for some reason the clients been really stubborn as having you as their coordinator."

"Me? What for? Who are they?"

"Can't say. That information is classified. But please tell me that you'll do it. I really need you on this Em. So, you on board?"

"Ah- Okay.. I need a vacation."

"Soon. I'll add in like a bonus of something. Thank you so much! They will be here at around 5 so you need to head down at the conference room in a while."

"Can't you just tell me who they are?"

"Nope! Now get to work! I'm still your boss!"

"Yes ma'am. At 5 right?"

"Exactly 5'o clock sharp."

"Got it. You owe me big time."

I walked outside Claudia's office while shutting the door behind me thinking- who could this "mysterious client" be?

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