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***few hours before Prom***

"How do I look lad? Fancy? This whole tux thing does not seem to be doing me a favor.."

"You look fine Harry. Stop messing with that bow."

"It just looks weird!"

"That's how a bow tie looks like Harry. Stop touching it! Just leave it alone!"

"It's a pain in the arse!"

"Don't you touch that bow."

Josh scolded me several times. I was over at Josh's while the rest of the boys were out eating at Nandos. I apparently didn't know how to put on a tux because Josh yelled at me for putting my bow the the wrong way. I stood in front of the mirror- adjusting my bow tie whole Josh was fixing his suit for his date, Vanessa. Lou, my hairstylist, had gelled up my hair into a quiff because she wanted me to look -"dashing" for Emily. It looked a little bit awkward to me but she reassured me several times that it was fine. Emily. Just the thought of her in a beautiful dress made me jumpy. I couldn't wait to see her.

"Already thinking about Emily? You're making it too obvious lad. Where's your pride?"

"Shuddup. I mean.. Would you please be a good friend and redo this bow again?"

"Look what you did. It was perfect before."

Josh walked over to me as he readjusted the bow tie. I kept on messing with it after Josh did it and it came undone- for the third time. He recommended a clip-in bow tie but I refused. I wanted to look my best for Emily. I smoothed out my black, sleek tux and straightened it out. I admit- I looked pretty damn good. I admired myself in the mirror for a couple of minutes until Josh shoved me to the side. I started smiling down at the ground at the thought of seeing Emily- until Josh spatted.

"Stop hogging the mirror Styles. My turn. And you just really be excited for this. Am I right or what?"

"I just can't wait see her in her dress, take her by her hand, slow dance, and kiss her in the mid-"


"Hold that thought. Someone's at the door."

"I thought you weren't expecting anyone today."

"I thought so too. Better not be one of your crazy fans!"

Josh joked around as I gave him a little punch on his shoulders. Bad decision. He winced a bit in pain right before he punched me in the balls. Josh's laughter was followed right after an "OOF."

"Sucks to suck lad. That's payback for all the times you punched me Harry."

I immediately bent down and pain shot through every inch of my body. I felt like I was struck by lightening. I fell down on the bed and rolled around a couple of times while cupping the "area." It was painful. What a bad decision I made. I should've thought about it twice before deciding to punch Josh. His rambunctious laughter echoed around his apartment as he swung open the front door. I was still on the bed and barely managed propped myself up and reached for the TV remote. As I was flipping through the numerous channels, Josh yelled out my name from across the room.






Josh's voice boomed through the whole apartment. Who was it now? I wondered who could it be. I picked myself up and placed the remote control on the couch. I straightened out my clothing to look at least presentable and jogged over to the door to find my manager- Paul. He stood by the doorframe with his arms crossed and feet tapping on the floor- as if he was in a hurry. Paul kept on looking at his watch and my pace slowed down a bit as I stood in front of him. As soon as Paul saw me, his red grew large.

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