Pehla Nasha

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It is an extremely cold and windy day. Might rain as well. A gorgeous girl is sleeping on her bed dozing off. It is our Avu. Jai comes in her room and goes close to her ear.

Jai: NEET!!!!!!ARE YOU UP????

Avu: What happened? I'm up!

Jai: (laughing) You have 15 minutes. Get up lazy ass and go get ready for college.

Avneet: So you scared the shit out of me for this?( She said while throwing a pillow at him)

Jai: Sorry but you know I can't start my day without irritating you. (he pulled her cheeks)

Avu: Whatever. You go I'll get ready.

Imagine it is till knee length

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Imagine it is till knee length.

Jai: Uff! Mardala (He faked fainting)

Avu: You don't look so bad yourself.

Avu: You don't look so bad yourself

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Jai: Thanks

Avu: Aren't we getting late? Let's go

Jai: Yeah. Let's go

They arrive at the college in no time and Jai leaves Avu alone coz he had some important work to submit in a deadline. Avu was getting late to her class and she had heels on so she ran with a scarf wrapped around her face as it started to rain and the air was quite cold and breezy. On the way, her heel slipped on a rock and she was about to fall when suddenly...












... she felt two muscular arms around her preventing her from falling and looked up to see the most beautiful pair of hazel eyes in this world. As soon as she saw him, lightning struck but the sound of the lightning was not too much too ruin their eye lock. Siddharth (whoever guessed it, you were right) couldn't see her face, but he fell for her eyes.

Sid's POV

I was just going to class when I saw a girl running with a scarf, I ran after her when she slipped and saw the most lovely brown eyes I have ever seen. They were so hypnotizing, I fell for them the first time I saw them. And how couldn't I ? They were filled with so much of innocence that I just had to. I wish I could stay in this position forever but unfortunately the bell rang and she ran off without saying anything. I don't know if I will see her ever again but I know she's the one for me. 😍

End of POV

Avu's POV

When he saved me from falling, I was so scared, but when I looked up I saw the most lovely pair of eyes on the most handsome face I have ever seen. He was perfect. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. And it's not like you want to. Yeah... wait what! Who are you? Your subconscious mind. And I know he's the first guy you have ever felt this for. Oh really? Then why have you only appeared now. I mean I've never heard you before. Hello? She disappeared!! But I think she's right. I mean I think I like this guy. My thoughts were disturbed by the bell and I knew classes had started so, I ran off. However on the way my scarf fell but I didn't look back coz it was already raining and I didn't want to get more wet. I was so lucky I had spare clothes. I changed in the washroom and touched up a little as I reached class just to see a furious teacher glaring at me.

Teacher: Miss Kaur, may I know the reason why you have come late?

Avu: I am so sorry sir, actually traffic was too much and I got completely wet so I had to change. 

The teacher was staring at all her body parts lustfully and she obviously didn't like it.

Teacher: It's ok but in order for you not to avoid missing out on lectures. notes and other important stuff, I would like you to sit in the front row next to Miss Shaikh where I can keep an eye on you. (he said the last part smirking)

Avneet sensed a bad feeling from the way he was talking but she brushed it off, nodded, and sat next to Reem.

Avu: Hi

Reem: Hi. Are you new? I'm Reem. Reem Shaikh. Actually I just joined today and I thought you did too.

Avu: Yh, my name is Avneet but you can call me Avu. I'm new but I didn't like the way sir was looking at me. Did he do something like that to the other girls as well?

Reem: Obvio. He's a bloody perv. The other girls saw him flirting with married female professors. And he's 45.

Avu: Ikr, I don't like him at all. 

Reem: Anyway, why were you so late?

Avu blushes remembering what happened in the morning and Reem sees it.

Reem: Ohhh, boyfriend? 😏

Avu: No. I bumped into someone while coming to class and (she describes the entire incident) then I ran off and came here.

Reem: Omg, this is so romantic just like a movie but did you leave your scarf there? And do you have a crush on him? If you get married, you have to invite me. you will right? You won't approve of him without my permission. Alright?  And also..

Avu: (cuts her off) Oh God, Reem  hold your horses! 🙄 Nothing like that is going to happen. Even police don't interrogate as much as you do. Yes, I have a crush on him and yes, I did leave my scarf there, but no, none of that other stuff is gonna happen so soon, so just calm down, will you?

Reem: K. fine but after class I want to introduce you to my bro, Sidd and I don't want any ifs and /or buts.

Avu: Fine. Now let's write notes.




How do you think Avu will react after knowing Sidd is Reem's brother?

And do you think that perv teacher will do anything to Avu or Reem?

As it is Reem's first day, will she meet Jai, and if she does, will she fall for him?

To know all the answers, keep waiting for regular chapters and I will try to update as fast as my fingers. But keep #sidneet alive and see you soon

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Thank you

Word count : 1088

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