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Hey sidneetians welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. I know I left a bad suspense earlier on, but I couldn't help it. And I'm just so happy that this is trending no. 1 in sidneet. I have nothing more to ask of. Thank you guys 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. Anyways let's continue with the chap

Precap: Sid and Avu were going to Reem's old school and then, a truck hits the both of them and then land in the cliff.

Ab aage:

The car crashes into the cliff, however, it bounces off some trees so, it doesn't undergo severe damage and is kind of okay. Avu and Sid are unconscious and bleeding. Back with Reem and the rest, they are very worried and are constantly calling Sid and Avu.

Reem: I can't take it anymore. I'm going to get them.

Vaishu: (holds her hand) Relax, they must be fine. Just have some patience.

Abhi: She's right Reemie. Relax

Reem: No Bhai. I want to meet them right now!

Jai: Ok, let's go.

Abhi tries calling Sid to let him know they're coming, but the call is not answered.

Abhi: He's not picking.

Vaishu: Try Avu.

Jai: I just did. She's not picking either (panicking)

Reem: Let's go (scared face)

They all go to Reem's old house and look around but don't find a single trace of Sid or Avu. All their clothes are missing.

Jai: Ok, now I'm scared.

Reem: (holds his hands) Don't worry. It'll be okay.

Vaishu: They said they were going to the school today so, let's call the school up and ask them.

Abhi: Yh, so smart of you Vaish (he hugs her quickly then dials the number of the school)

On call-

Principal: Yes, this is xyz school. How may I help you?

Abhi: Hello ma am, I wanted to find out if my brother, Siddharth Nigam and another girl called Avneet Kaur came to your school today regarding some information around Miss Reem Shaikh.

Principal: I'm really sorry dear, but I've been sitting here the entire day and no one has come regarding any sort of information.

Abhi: Oh, ok. Thanks so much ma'am.

Principal: Anytime dear.

End of call-

Vaishu: What did she say?

Abhi: narrates everything on the call.

Reem: Oh no. I need to know where is bhai. I'm getting bad vibes.

Jai: Wait, if they're not here, then it means that they went to the school but never reached there.

Abhi: Yh

Vaishu: So what are we waiting for? Let's go!

They all get in the car and rush to the path to the school.

Vaishu: Abhi, slow down so we can see if any odd activities have taken place.

Abhi: Yeah.

He slows down and they soon approach a huge crowd.

Jai: Hmm, strange. What might have happened here?

Reem: let's see.

They step out and get deeper ahead in the crowd and what they see completely shocks them.

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