A sweet moment

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of opposites. Thank you for making this trend #12th in Sidneet. Let's continue.

Precap: Sid, Avu and Jai saw someone at the hospital who hugged Sid.

Ab aage:

Sid: He is Abhishek, my brother and Reem's cousin.

Abhi: Hi everyone.

Jai and Avu: Hi Abhi.

Abhi: Avu, you can call me bhai.

Avu: Ok bhai... wait, you know me?

Abhi: Of course I do! Sid told me everything about you.😏

Sid: And I told you about Jai too.

Abhi: Yeah, anyways, it turns out that the case I was assigned was Reem's case.

Sid: Yeah, Avu, Jai, Abhi bhai studied law in America when our parents were still there. They had paid his entire fees so, he only came to visit during vacation and he know everything about Reem and I.

Avu: Wow, nice.

Abhi: Thanks.

Sid: By the way, where is bhabhi?😏

Jai: Bhabhi?

Sid: Yeah, last summer holidays, Abhi came to see us and he liked Vaishu di, a senior in our college. She also liked him and they dated. It turns out that their love story went well. Vaishu di's parents liked bhai a lot and approved of their marriage, so we have to discuss a marriage date now since our parents are no more.

Avu: Ohh, so where is Vaishu di?

Abhi: I didn't tell her I'm coming to India, so she doesn't know.

Sid: Ok, we'll tell her later but for know let's see Reem.

Jai: Yeah.

They enter the room with two constables - male and female, to interrogate Reem.

Reem: Hey guys, hi Abhi bhai.

Abhi: Hey Reemie, what's up?

Reem: Ceiling.

Abhi pinches her nose.

Abhi: Not funny, Reemie.

Reem: Whatever.

Sid: Reem, the constables are here to take your statement.

Reem: Bhai, don't worry. I'm not scared anymore.

Sid: That's like my brave sis. (he kisses her forehead)

Avu: Aww, #sibling goals.

Reem: Thanks

Constable 1: I really appreciate your love for each other but I think we should be taking her statement now.

Abhi: Sorry, please continue.

Constable 1: Ok, so dear, tell us how everything started from beginning to end.

Reem: Ok (she tells them everything from the past to the present)

Constable 2: Dear, I feel very sad for you but at the same time I feel good knowing the daughters of our nation will not stop until they punish brutes like Bhavesh. Proud of you.

Reem: Thank you.

Sid: Are there any other formalities needed to be done?

Constable 2: Yes. We need a copy of the report issued against Bhavesh when Reem was in school as evidence to be presented in court.

Sid: No problem. I'll get them. When is the hearing?

Constable 1: On Monday. When courts reopen since today is Friday.

Avu: Ok, thank you. We'll get the file before that and bring it straight to court on Monday.

Constable 2: Ok then, good day.

The constables leave the room and Abhi goes to drop them.

Sid: Avu, you are not going with me.

Avu: And why is that?

Sid: It's dangerous. Bhavesh can still be up to tricks.

Avu: Shut up. Yesterday I told you I will be with you every single difficulty through out and I am not backing up now.

Sid: Fine, but you have to stick with me, okay?

Avu: Fine.

They look back at Jaireem who were smirking and blushed a bit.

Jai: Wow, my blushing sis.😏

Reem: And my blushing bro.😏

Avu and Sid: And our teasing couple.😏

Abhi: Guys, why the hell am I seeing four tomatoes?😏

Sidneet and Jaireem: Shut up!

Sid: Bhai, Avu and I will go tommorow to get Reem's missing complaint report. So, why don't you introduce the rest of us to Vaishu di?

Avu: Good idea.

Abhi: Fine with me.

Reem: I have a better idea. Since I'll be getting discharged today, why don't we have a sleepover?

Jai: Yeah! Best idea.

Abhi: Reemie's idea will be best for you always.😏😏

Sid: Ok, so it's decided.

Avu: Sid, I'm hungry. Let's get food. What will you guys have?

Reem: Pizza!

Jai: I'll have a veg burger

Abhi: A grilled cheese sandwich with a lot of cheese.

Sid: Ok, got that. Avu let's go.

Avu: Yeah.

The both of them left and Abhi went to complete Reem's discharge formalities.

At Sidneet's side:

Avu: Sid I am extremely hungry. Can we eat here?

Sid: Ok.

Avu: I want a veg sandwich and fries with chocolate ice-cream.

Sid: You sit there (he points at a table with two chairs) and I'll get our orders.

Avu: Ok.

After some time, Sid reaches the table with Avu's order and sits next to her. By this time everyone had left cause of staff lunch break. Avu was eating happily and Sid was admiring her. Suddenly a strand of her hair came on her face and some ice cream was on her cheek. He pointed at it but she showed her hands which were dirty.

Avu: Remove it please.

Sid: No problem.

He bands towards her and removes the hair from her face and freezes as he sees her face from this close. He rubbed the ice cream off her cheek with his thumb and she shuddered at his touch. He looked at her face and gulped. She was almost frozen if not for Sid's breath on her lips which kept her out of her thoughts. Sid's gaze went to her lips and he knew if he made any step, it would make their relationship official. Avu guessed what he was thinking. Sid looked at her eyes as if asking for permission and then...




Sorry, had to end it here.

Comment if you want the kiss to happen or not.

Five comments and 10 upvotes. I'll upload the next chapter. Promise!😊

Thanks so much for making my first book reach such heights. It's something I'll never forget. 😊I'll be busy this Thursday and Friday for my mid-term assignments. I do Science which consists of nine subjects and out of that I got 8 assignments, so bare with me.

Bye. Lots of love

Word count: 1012

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