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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites and thanks for all the love given to the previous chapters by upvoting 💖💖. My exams are after two weeks and are very important, so after this chap, you will have to wait for two weeks before any updates 😅😅. Thanks. Let's continue with the story.

Sid and Avu were in Sid and Reem's old house and were cleaning when suddenly she screamed.

Ab aage:

Avu: Aaaaaaaa!!😨

Sid: What happened, Avu?

Avu: Cockroach!!

Sid: (chuckles) Avu, it's just a roach. (He goes to pick it up and brings it to her) Don't worry. 😉

Avu: Get that rodent out of my face. (She shoved his hand away).

Sid: On one condition.

Avu: Ok, anything

Sid: Tell me, who is the mystery girl.

Avu: (in mind) Why is he asking? Doesn't he know that it's Krupa? (In reality) Sid, I told you that it's Krupa. So why are you asking?

Sid:Avu, I know it's you. You got drunk in the club yesterday and confessed in a drunken state.

Avu: ...

Sid: Your silence has said everything, Avu. I thought we were friends. You shouldn't have hidden anything from me.

Avu: Does it really matter whether I am the mystery girl or not?

Sid: No, that doesn't matter. At least, not anymore. The mystery girl has no place in here (he points to his chest where his heart is).

Avu: (in a shaky voice) Then who is there?

Sid: (lifts up her chin) That's this! (he shows her the cockroach and she screams which makes the roach release out of his hand and it escapes from the window). Avu, calm down. It's gone (he says while rubbing her back)

Avu: You scared the shit out of me.

Sid: Well, it was fun.

Avu: Whatever. We should probably order. I can't sit in the kitchen to cook.

She pulls out her phone but Sid snatches it before she dials McDonald's number. She raises her eyebrows at him and he mouths a 'wait and watch'.

After 30 mins:
Avu is relaxed on the sofa scrolling through Netflix to decide on what to watch while Sid is putting finishing touches on the food he's preparing for her. She is soon overwhelmed by the smell of the food as her stomach begins to grumble. She soon finds her feet walking towards the kitchen. She leans on the door and sees Sid in an apron and admires him. She hears light chuckles as she realizes that she has been staring at him and checking him out from a few minutes. She looks up to meet Sid's smile which is sending an entire zoo in her stomach. She walks up to him but he covers the dish before she can see.

Avu: Hey, I wanted to see.

Sid: Not yet, later.




Short update, I know. But pls bare with me. I've been so busy, I don't even have time to sleep. Slept at 12 day before yesterday due to econs project. Promise I will update after my exams (they are from tommorow to the whole of next two weeks, this week was supposed to be revision, but the syllabus hasn't been completed yet and I'm super stressed) Thanks for viewing this chapp. Please give upvotes and lots of love to you all. Stay safe ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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