A sacrifice

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Sorry for the delays   Kasyb1  and Twinkle3689, thanks for supporting this book so much. Love you guys, anyways let's begin

Precap: Sid, Avu and Jai reached the building where Reem was captive. Sid told Jai to check first floor while he and Avu checked ground floor.

Ab aage:

Avu: Let's go.

Sid: Reem, here we come.

They all split up and start checking their respective floors. Avu wanted to tell Sid that Jai and Reem have met. She really wanted to see her brother with Reem cause she thought they looked cute together. Sidneet checked one room first which was dark. Sid lit up his torch and they started searching.

Avu: Sid, can I tell you something?

Sid: (while searching in the room) Yh, sure.

Avu narrates everything to him and his eyes widen. He bursts out laughing

Avu: You find this funny?

Sid: Reem told me whatever happened that day and said she had a crush on Jai since that day. I didn't know he was your brother until he met us at the parking that day.

Avu: OMG! Really?

She hugs him in a fit of happiness and he also hugged her back for some time until the realized their positions.

Avu: Umm, sorry for that.

Sid: Koi nahi, bade bade deshon mein aisi chhoti chhoti baatein hoti rehti hain senortia. (No problem, in such big countries, small things like this often happen).

Avu: Ok, Shahrukh, can we go now?

Sid: Where?

Avu: To the next room, Shahrukh sir

Sid: Ok, let's go

The next room is lit up with a dim light so, little can be seen. Sid and Avu hear the breaking of glass and run towards where they heard it.


THey ran towards Jai as fast as they could. What they saw completely shocked them. Reem was lying in a room lifeless with Bhavesh pointing a gun in front of her and cussing her. (A/N: I'm sorry but I can't type cuss words cause I don't like them). Sid and Avu quickly looked around for things they could attack him with. Jai picked up an iron rod lying around somewhere while Sid and Avu picked up a baseball bat and a half-broken wooden plank. Avu, Sid and Jai were grabbing their items tightly as they stood out of the door and waited.

Reem's POV

I hate this Bhavesh and how he has been torturing me from the past hour. He hasn't raped me cause he says I no longer have the spark. I don't realize my fault.  He has been hitting me mercilessly and I think when I passed out, he cut my hair. I can feel my ribs popping out of me. Doesn't he have any humanity in him at all? I so hate him. Yesterday his girlfriend came and tortured me at places where he didn't. I feel disgusted at how one girl can do this to another. This is so inhumane. The last thing I remember is him calling me names and cussing me out loud while pointing a gun. The gun was to probably end me. I saw no hope as he was about to pull the trigger..

End of POV

Author's POV

Sid: Ok, so we attack in...

Avu: 3...2...

Jai: 1!

All: ATTACK!!!!

They barged in within seconds and started attacking Bhavesh and his henchmen. Sid hit one of the guys with the baseball bat as Avu was slapping another guy whom she held by the hairs. Jai was beating guys with an iron rod. Bhavesh's mind was too slow to process what was going on and he couldn't react immediately.  He saw that all of them were distracted and decided to finish Reem. Jai saw this and approached Bhavesh. He silently signaled Avu towards a gun lying on the floor. She noticed and stayed silent.

Bhavesh: Time to finish this once and for all.

Jai: Don't you dare do anything to her!

Bhavesh: Oh, the possessive boyfriend, I see.

Jai: Shut up! You have no rights to torture someone like this. Especially Reem. (Anger was quite visible in his eyes by now)

Sid: Exactly, how dare you lay a finger on her, Bhavesh. I can't believe you came back for revenge just cause she rejected you.

Avu: I sure your manly 'ego' got hurt.

 Avu silently took the gun as the conversation went ahead. She told Jai that she has the gun through hand signals and Sid said

Sid: Drop your gun now, or your life will be taken effective immediatley.

Bhavesh: What the hell!

Avu: No drama please. Do as Sid said.

He immediately turned and pointed the gun towards Reem. 

Bhavesh: I'm sorry, Sleeping Beauty, but this is where it ends.

Jai: NOOO!!

The bullet shot and Sid closed his eyes as tears started  pouring uncontrollably. He was shook by someone as he realized that Reem wasn't the one who got shot, but rather someone came in front of Reem and saved her life.




Who was that someone?

Will Reem get justice?

Sidneet scenes in next chapter.

To know the answers to these question keep checking for regular updates of Opposites. I know I haven't been keeping updating frequently so, sorry. But thank you for your patience and see you guys with my next chapter. 

Bye. Lot of love

Word count: 877

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