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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thanks for keeping so much patience and giving all the beautiful upvotes. Let's continue with the story.


Jai was telling Reem flashbacks of what happened.

Ab aage:


One day, as Avu was returning from college with Aakash...

Avu: Ok, Aakash, see you. (she hugs him)

Aakash: Avu, (he holds her wrist and pulls her to his chest) just a hug?

Avu: Yes. Now let me go, before bhai comes. 

Aakash: Ok.

He walks her to the entrance of her house and knocks on the door.

Jai: Oh, Hi Aakash, what's up?

Aakash: Nothing, really. Just came to drop Avu.

Jai: Why only drop? Have coffee before you go.

Avu: Oh, yeah. Have coffee, pls.

Aakash: Ok, if you insist.

Jai: What do you mean by insist? We're like family, right?

Avu: Of course.

They enter inside.

Avu: Bhai, I'll just change and come.

Aakash: Avu, wait.

Jai: I'll get coffee.

Aakash: Here.

He hands her a mysterious box. She tries to open it.

Aakash: The key's with me.

Avu: Give.

He gives her the key, and when she opens it, the box contains all the memories of Aakash and Avu, from 5th grade till the proposal day.

Avu: Awww, this is so sweet. When did you do this?

Aakash: I'm a magician.

Avu: That you are (she hugs him). Thank you so much.

Aakash: No need for thanks, okay? Now go and change, then I'll go.

Avu: I'll be right back.

She takes the box to her room and puts it on her dresser and changes. She comes down only to find Aakash gone and Jai in the living room with his mug of coffee.

Jai: Oh, here you are. Akash left.

Avu: Yeah, I can see that.

Jai: Avu, get some sleep. You look exhausted.

Avu: Ok, bhai. Goodnight.

Jai: Goodnight.


Jai: Little did she know, that was the only goodnight she was going to have.

Reem: What?! What happened?


Avu goes to college the next day and enters class.

Teacher: Wait right there Ms. Kaur.

Avu: Ma'am, what happened?

Teacher: Don't act so innocent, you slut!

The whole class does not react and acts as if all this is normal.

Avu: (with teary eyes) P...pardon me?

Teacher: Oh, I'm sorry. Should I spell it out? S-L-U-T. SLUT! Don't be so gullible.

The whole class bursts out laughing. Avu looks over at Aakash and sees that he's also laughing. She runs away from the class and goes into the girls' washroom where she breaks down.

Avu: W...w..hy G..god? W..h..y me?

She cries her heart out and washes her face in the mirror which clears all of her makeup. She looks around for tissue until she realizes something on the wall.

It was a pic of her looking into some sort of camera without her clothes with SLUT written all over it. Her private parts had been blurred but it was still humiliating.

Avu's POV

Who could have done this? And why me? What had I ever done to anyone to deserve this? WHy doesn't anyone believe me? I'm innocent!!!! I just want to die!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

End of POV

She fainted with all these thoughts.

A few hours later

Avu's POV

I feel so giddy and my face is so puffy from all the tears and.... Oh no! It's a hospital! What if Aakash comes here?

Jai enters

Avu: Bhai (she cries)

Jai hugs her and is also crying. He rubs her head and kisses her forehead.

Jai: Don't worry. I heard everything from college. It was Aakash's doing.

Avu goes into shock.

Avu: A..a...kash?

Jai: Yh, the gift he gave you yesterday had a camera hidden in it.

Avu fell back on the bed and her face became emotionless.

Jai: Avu? Are you ok? Pls say something. I won't talk abt him anymore. He's gone away from us. He won't hurt you. Pls talk (he hugs her)

She silently sobs in his shoulder and falls asleep. He lays her and goes outside to let her sleep.


Jai: After that day, we never talked about that backstabbing snake again.

Reem: But how are you so sure he'll never come back?

Jai: The principal confirmed that he travelled to London to escape the police.

Reem: Oh. (she holds his hand) Don't worry Jai. Avu will be fine. We'll help her.

Jai: How can we help her?

Reem: She's getting discharged today, right?

Jai: Yh, why?

Reem: We can have a sleepover at your place since we all already stay there.

Jai: Ooo fun idea! (He hugs Reem)

They hear fake coughs and turn to look at Sid, Abhi and Vaishu smirking at them

Abhi: What's all the hugs for, Reemie? 😏😏

Sid: Yh, what's up? 😉😉

Jai and Reem blush

Vaishu: Aww, blushing together 😜😜

The three of them high five and laugh. Jai and Reem soon join them.

Sid: Ok, but on a serious note. What were you guys planning?

Jai: Nothing much. We decided to have a sleepover at our house. I mean not technically a sleepover since you all already live with us, but It'll be new for Vaishu di.

Abhi: That's a great idea.

Jai: Yh, we just have to tell Avu.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Give it your lovely votes as always and thank you all for fueling me to continue writing. Your comments mean a lot to me. Love you all 💓💓💓💓💓💓


Word count: 944

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