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Hey, sidneetians welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thanks for your help and support. Please vote and comment as always. 😄😄😄

Sid notices that Jai is feeling very sad and asks him what's wrong.

Ab aage:

Sid: What's wrong? You seem quite off.

Jai: Huh? No... it's nothing.

Sid: Is Avu fine?

Jai, Abhi and Vaish look at each other and sigh.

Sid: Guys, she's fine right?

Vaishu: Yh, Sid. She's okay, but...

Sid: But what? You're scaring me. 😟😟 

Jai: Sid, she's lost her memory.

Sid goes into complete shock and doesn't say a word for more than a minute. Abhi shakes him.

Abhi: Sid, say something pls.

Vaishu: Abhi, calm down.

Jai: Sid? Are you ok?

Sid's POV

Oh no. This means Avu can't recognize me. It means all the moments spent with her are gone. And here I was, planning to tell her everything in my heart. No, Avu. I'll not let this happen. I'll make you fall in love with me, for the second time.

End of POV

Sid: I'm fine. I just need some rest.

Jai: Guys, I want to tell you about Avu's past. That is the phase where she's stuck at.

All: Tell.

They all start laughing.

Abhi: No, seriously Jai. Please tell.

Jai: Ok, so let me start. It was a normal day, although Avu was very excited about something...


Avu: Bhaiiiiiiiiii. (She runs to him and hugs him)

Jai: Oh, wow! Why are you so happy today?

Avu: Actually (she blushes and fiddles with her fingers)

Jai: Oh, I get it! Aakash proposed to you, right?

Avu: Yh. But how did you know?

Jai: I just guessed seeing it by your blush. 😏😏😏

Avu: Bhai, pls 😊😊

Jai: Ok, fine. Was it romantic or quite ordinary?

Avu: Quite ordinary. But that's what I like most.

Jai: I'm so happy for you.

Avu: Thank you so much bhai. Love you

Jai: Love you too. But make sure that he doesn't hurt you, otherwise I'll come after him.

Avu: Don't worry, bhai. I trust him.

Back to present:

Jai: 'I trust him'. Those three words were the ones that she now regrets.

Reem: But what happened?

Abhi: Yh, Jai. What...

Nurse: I'm sorry but you'll all have to go out. The patient needs medication and visiting hours are up.

Jai; Ok, I'll tell you tommorow, Sid.

Sid: Ok.

Soon, everyone leaves Sid's room and he thinks abt Avu.

Sid's POV

Avu, I wish I could make things better, I wish I could hug you, but most importantly, I wish I could tell you how I feel, but that's not possible anymore. I will make sure that whatever that Aakash did to you that was so terrible would be accounted for and he would be punished for it. I really want to see you badly. Then go! I can't. The nurse won't let me. But she's asleep. You are so clever, subconscious mind. After all, whose mind am I? Aww, thanks. 

Sid gets up from his bed very slowly and stuffs his pillows under the blanket. He doesn't know where Avneet's room is, so he takes a doctor's coat and some stethoscopes from a doctor who is sleeping and wears a surgical mask in the room.

Sid's POV

Ughh, this smells horrible, but have to tolerate it for Avneet.

He goes downstairs to the receptionist.

Receptionist: Hello, Doctor. Needed some help?

Doctor (Sid): (in fake British accent) Oh, yes. I actually needed the room number for Ms. Avneet Kaur's room. The doc there put me in charge for the night.

Receptionist: But, there's already some one in charge there.

Sid: Umm, oh really? (murmurs)

Receptionist: Umm, doc?

Sid: Uh, yes! Actually, tell me the room number so, I can discuss with that fool who has taken my spot.

Receptionist: (after observing him for a few secs) Ok, doc. It's 123 on the third floor.

Sid: That's just one room ahead of me!

Receptionist :Uh, do you need some water sir?

Sid: (in fake accent) Oh, no. Thanks. Have a good day, I mean night.

He leaves there and goes to the third floor without any further interferences.

Sid: Room 122... and yes! Room 123.

He looks around to see if anyone is around, then enters. And his heart skips a beat as he sees her. The love of his life. Avneet. This single word that was enough to arouse feeling of happiness in him. He approaches her holding back his tears. And cups her sleeping face.

Sid: (shaky voice) Avu. I am so sorry I couldn't protect you in the accident. You can slap me, hit me or punish me in any way you want, but pls remember me. (a tear falls on her forehead). Avu, I can't stay here for long, but as long as you're here I will stop at nothing to protect you from whoever that Aakash or whatever his name is. You hear me? I love you more than anything and nothing in this world can stop me from loving you. 

He kisses her forehead and starts walking out. He barely reaches the door, when the most soft spoken voice spoke.

Avu: Who are you?

Sid freezes at his spot.




How did you like their secret meet?

Do you think Sid's love is enough to protect her?

What exactly happened with Aakash?

To know the answers to your questions, keep checking for regular updates on Opposites. Don't forget to vote and comment, and thanks for keeping so much of patience. Love you all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


Word count: 911

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