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Heyy sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. I hope you all are doing well. Let's begin the chapter.

Precap: Abhi and Vaishnavi announced their engagement plans for the day after the Court hearing.

Ab aage:

* Skips to day of the court*

Reem: Bhai, I am so nervous right now.

Reem is pacing up and down a room continuously as Abhi and Sid watch her while sitting on the bed.

Abhi: Reemie, relax. I have it handled.

Reem: But the proof got destroyed in the car accident.

Sid: Yes, but we have a witness.

Abhi: And we have someone who will give us valuable testimony to the court. She's also a victim of Bhavesh's bullying.

Reem: He's such a monster. He shouldn't even be alive.

Sid: I know and we will deliver justice.

They all do a group hug and go downstairs to meet Jai, Avu and Vaishu.

Avu: Hey guys, come and have breakfast. Vaishu di cooked

Sid: Then, it must be really good.

Vaishu: Thank you Sid. It's dosa and idlis with sambhar.

Reem: Vaishu di, but this is Abhi bhai's favourite.

Vaishu: There's also toast, juice and eggs if you guys want.

Sid: Di, your the best.

He gives her a quick hug.

Jai: Abhi bhai, won't you say anything?

Abhi: The food is incredible, thank you Vaishu.

Vaishu: Welcome (blushing)

Avu: Stop teasing the lovebirds and let's hurry up and go.

*After breakfast*

Abhi: Has everyone got what they need?

Everyone responds with a head nod and gets in the car. Sid and Abhi have bikes; Vaishu is sitting behind Abhi and Sid is wearing his helmet when they hear noise from the car.

Abhi: Are you guys okay?

Avu: Yh, bhai but we all can't fit.

Abhi: What? There is literally space for an elephant, how do you all not..

Avu: Bhai! (She signals her head towards Jai and Reem)

Abhi: Uhh...uh... Yh! no space.

Reem: Really? Then I'll go with Sid bhai

Avu and Jai: Nooo!

Reem: Huh?! Why?

Avu: We want you to travel safer in the car rather than on the bike. You're the main victim.

Reem: Ok, makes sense

Avu: Good.

She goes to sit with Sid as Abhi bhai told her.

Sid: You better hold on. I don't want a trip to the hospital.

Avu: It's ok, I won't fall.

Sid: If you say so.

On the way, a pothole comes in Sid's way and he brakes quite fast to avoid it. When he brakes, Avu hugs him from the back so that she doesn't fall. The warm sensation of her hands floods Siddharth's senses and he gets lost in the moment. Avu realizes the position and awkwardly lets go.

Sid:Umm.. sry

Avu: Don't be sry. You were just trying to save us from falling.

Sid: That's why I said hold on tight.

Avu: Hmm...

She wraps her warm hands around his back and rests her head on the back of his neck. He smiles and drives off.

*In the court*

The court proceedings started and Reem started feeling uncomfortable because of how how Bhavesh was checking her out.

Jai saw this and gave him a death stare. He still didn't stop.

Sid noticed it too abt was abt to go and start up a fight when Avu held his hand and signalled him to sit down.

Sid: Why did you stop me, Avu? Did you see the kind of stare he was giving Reem. She felt so uncomfortable.

Avu: I know. But he is not worth your time and attention. Sometimes, the best way is to assess your surroundings and make a decision based on that. What you were about to do will only make things worse and Abhi bhai has almost solved the case. Look.

They focused their attention towards Abhi.

Abhi: Your honor, my sister unfortunately, isn't the only one who has faced such cruelty from Bhavesh. There have been others. So, with your permission, I would like to present Ms. Jannat to the witness box.

Judge: Permission granted.

Jannat makes her way to the witness box as the others watch her observantly.

Abhi: So, Jannat would you pls like to tell the court what happened with you?

Jannat looks hesitant abd looks over at a guy in the jury who smiles at her and gives her a reassuring nod.

Jannat: When I was working at a local cafe near my house, I noticed a guy would follow me everywhere abd sometimes pretend to take selfies when he would take pics of me. I used to ignore it, but it eventually became a habit and I realized I was being stalked. I told my fiancé, Faisu abt it and he registered a police complaint. The police arrested Bhavesh due to the sketch I gave them. I was relieved but Bhavesh came out of jail the following week by bribing the police officers. He threatened me, one day as I was returning from work, not to tell anyone else, otherwise he would harm Faisu. I was scared and agreed. Two days later, he pulled me into an empty alley as I was returning from work, and started to trail kisses down my neck forcefully. He was almost successful in unbuttoning my shirt when someone pulled him off me and sprayed pepper spray in his eyes. He screamed and fell on the floor, while I ran away. It was one of my colleagues who saved me. I told Faisu abt this coz, I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. We tried to register another complaint but it turns out Bhavesh fled the city.

Reem had tears in her eyes and so did Vaish and Avu. They were on the verge of crying. Avu even hugged Sid unknowingly and cried in his shirt while he rubbed her head softly.

Reem and Jai were cuddled up bcoz Reem forgot where she was just like Avu.

Abhi: Thank you so much Ms. Jannat. I really appreciate it.

Jannat: You're welcome.

She runs to Faisu in the jury who hugs her and kisses her hairs.

Reem also hugs her tightly.

Reem: If I knew what kind of monster he is, I would have killed him a long time ago.

Jannat: Atleast, the truth is out.

Avu: Yes

Judge: Order, order.

Abhi:My apologies, your honor.

Judge: After looking at all the evidence and listening to the statement of the witness, this court comes to the conclusion that Mr. Bhavesh is guilty and is charged with rape which results in life imprisonment. The court is adjourned.

With this, two police men take away Bhavesh as he yells

Bhavesh: It's not over, you bitches. I will be back.

Sid: Wait.

The police officers stop in their tracks.

Sid and Jai move to Bhavesh and kick him where the sun does not shine and he winces in pain.

Jai: Now take him.

Thanks you so much my lovlies for reading this. It means so much to me and I really appreciate it. Love you all. Pls vote and comment.

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