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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thanks so much for loving my previous chapters. Means a lot ❤️❤️

Sid goes to secretly meet Avu, but she wakes up and calls him from the back.

Ab aage:

Avu: Who are you?

Sid freezes at his spot not knowing what to do.

Avu: I asked, who are you?

Sid puts on his mask and turns around.

Sid: I am the doctor who was supposed to do a quick check on you.

Avu: Oh, ok. Can you call my brother? His name is Jaijeet Singh. I want to talk to him.

Sid: I am really sorry, but he'll have to come during visiting hours.

Avu:  Oh, I wish he could come now. I need to tell him something.

Sid: I can convey the message to him. You can trust me, Av.. I mean Ms. Kaur.

Avu: Just tell him that the pics are still with Aakash, so he should be careful.

Sid: (in mind) What pics is she talking about? Need to ask Jai.

Avu: Hello? What are you thinking of?

Sid: Ummm, nothing.

He leaves the room and goes back to his own room and starts to get some good night sleep.

The next day, Abhi , Reem and Vaishu enter Sid's room and start talking with him

Reem: How does it feel now?

Sid: I feel super happy 😁😁

Abhi: Are you sure? I mean you were so sad yesterday abt Avu. And what happened now?

Sid: Bhai, I talked to her yesterday.

Abhi: Yeah, so wh... What!!!

Sid: Ah, bhai spare my ears.

Abhi: Sid, how in the world did you manage to get in her room?

Reem: And what happened?

Sid: Honestly Reem, I may have proposed to her when she was sleeping, but she didn't hear me. When I was going, she stopped me and asked me who I am.

Vaishu: And then?

Sid: I froze, but I lied to her that I was a doctor, then she asked me to call Jai because she wanted me to tell him that "he still has the pics, so don't do anything." (he air quoted)

Abhi: Who?

Sid: I'm not sure, but I think it's Aakash.

Reem: Yh, but we have to ask Jai. I wonder who'll do that. (she eats some popcorn out of Vaishu's pack)

Everyone looks at each other, then look at her with a huge smile.

Reem: What?

Abhi: Reemie, pls.

Reem: No! I'm not talking to Jai.

Sid: Why not?

Reem: He'll think I'm snooping around.

Vaishu: Don't worry. He likes you, so he won't think bad of you.

Reem: Oh come on (she blushes).

Abhi: Awww.

Reem: Ok, fine. I'll talk to him.

Sid: Thank you so muchhhhhh. (he hugs her)

Reem exits the room and goes to see Jai who is sitting on the bench outside Avu's room. She puts a shoulder on his arm and he looks up to see her.

Reem: Are you okay?

Jai: Yh, of course.

Reem: Hmm. (she sits down)

Jai: So, how's Sid?

Reem: Bhai is much better. In fact, he can walk quite well. Tomorrow, he'll be discharged.

Jai: Omg, Reemie. That's amazing! He hugs her

Reem: Yh, I'm so happy. But what about Avu? Any update?

Jai: The doctors said, I shouldn't put much strain on her on trying to remember stuff, but she'll be good enough to go home in about two days.

Reem: That's cool. Anyways, I wanted to ask you something.

Jai: Sure. (he holds her hand tightly)

Reem narrates the entire incident with Sid to Jai.

Jai: Omg, I had no idea Aakash still had the pics.

Reem: Jai, what pics are these? I don't understand a single thing.

Jai: Let me continue the story

Reem: I'm all ears.





Sorrryyyyyy for this short chap, but huge twist was gonna be in the flashback which is why I reserved it for the next chapter. 

Anyways, what did you think of this chap? As always comment down below and keep voting. 

Thanks. Lots of love 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 

Word count: 659

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