Sidneet #2

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites and thanks for all the upvotes and love. This  book is trending #15 in sidneet. I am on top of the world literally. Anyway, let's continue with the story. (^this gif was just so cute)

Precap: Avu was upset because bandar didn't come. Sid was extremely jealous.

Ab aage:

Avu: Bandar is my favourite stuffed toy. He's the one my parents gave me 3 days before they died. He's just so special and I know it's childish, but I can't sleep without him at night.

Sid: Ohhhhh, and I was thinking such nonsense.

Jai: It's ok, I get what you were thinking 😏😏

Avu: Guys, what's all the smirking abt? (she didn't hear what they said)

Jai: Nothing. I brought you burger and pizza, your favorites.

Her face lit up like a 100 watt bulb

Avu: Really!!! I LOVE YOU JAI!! 😍😍

Sid was trying to control his laugh. This went unnoticed by Avu because she was bored of eating food from the hospital.

Jai: Here you go. 

He brought coconut water, baked potatoes, some boiled eggs and almond milk with chappati and dal for later.

Avu: What the fu..

Sid started laughing his head off along with Jai as they high-fived each other. Avu got really mad and Jai sensed it but Sid didn't. Jai ran away from the room leaving Sid to face the heat by himself. When Sid saw Avu red with anger, he knew he was in danger. So he came up with a stategy.

Sid's POV

When Avu found out what we brought for her, I couldn't take it and starting laughing my head off. Jai joined me shortly and I high- fived him. He ran away after a little while, though I don't know why. When I turned around and saw Avu boiling, I knew why he ran. You messed up big time. I know, but what should I do? It looks as if she wants to stab my heart. Do this ........................................ What the hell? Are you sure of this? Ughh! Just do it! 

End of POV

Sid went to sit by her and before she could react, he said something.

Sid: You look absolutely gorgeous today. (he winked at the end)

Avu's POV

I was about to shout at him when he complimented me. Nice try, but I won't spare you that easily. So, it doesn't affect you when he said that? It does but, I can't let him go so easily. You are impossible Avu. I know right? 

End of POV

Avu starts hitting him with a pillow. Sid gets shocked but still composes himself not allowing her to hit him and picks up another pillow and hits her.

Avu: Oww! (the pillow squashed the glucose pipe.)

Sid: Oh, God. So sorry Avu. Let me fix it.

Avu hits him on his chest with slight punches that don't affect him at all

Avu: Revenge taken.

Sid: As if it hurt a lot 🙄

Avu: What?

Sid: Nothing.

Avu: Sid, how is Reem now?

Sid: She's much better now, but she's extremely weak. 

Avu: Thank God she's fine. And what's up with that kidnapper Bhavesh? It looked as if he were torturing her for revenge.

Sid: Yh, Actually (he tells her the whole story).

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