Mission Sleepover

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. I hope you are all well. Pls vote and keep filling the chapters with your wonderful comments. Let's begin the chapter.

Precap: Sid, Jai, Abhi, Vaishu and Reem decide for a sleepover at Jai and Avu's house and now they have to tell her.

Ab aage:

Jai: We just have to tell Avu.

Reem: Ohk, I think Jai, you should do it.

Sid: Yh coz, she doesn't recognize any of us.

Jai: You're right. I'll go right now.

He goes to Avu's ward where she's being prepared for discharge.

Avu: Bhai, let's go as soon as all these formalities are done. I don't want to stay in the hospital for long.

Jai: Ok, meri jaan (my sweetheart). But first, I have to tell you something.

Avu: Ok, sure. What is it?

Jai: Actually, I have some friends from our new college coming over for a sleepover tonight.

Avu: Bhai, I don't mind. But I won't take part in most of the activities. I just want to be by myself tonight, so no disturbances, ok?

Jai: Ok, don't worry.

Avu: By the way, who's coming?

Jai: Sid, Abhi, Vaishu and Reem.

Avu: Oh, Reem?

Jai: You know her?

Avu: Yh, she came here when you went to the canteen. I think she likes you.

Jai: REALLY?! I mean... really? 

Avu: Mhmm, Bhai is getting excited 😏😏

Jai: No, it's nothing like that.

Avu: Admit it. You like her too.

Jai: Ok, fine I do. But right now, you are my first priority, not her. Ok?

Avu: Yes. Bhai but she's very nice. I like her too.

Jai: Ok, now enough talking. Let's get you out of here.

He holds her hand and they both exit the room. Reem, Sid, Vaishu and Abhi run up to them. Reem hugs Avu.

Reem: Are you ok now?

Avu: Yh, of course.

Reem: Oops, I forgot to introduce you to them. This is Abhi, my cousin brother (he waves at Avu) His full name is Abhishek Nigam. This is to be fiancée, Vaishnavi Rao a.k.a Vaishu di. And this is...

Sid: Siddharth Nigam, brother of Abhi bhai. But you can call me Sid.

Avu: I have a feeling I know you.

Jai: Avu, but you just met him.

Avu: No bhai. He sounds a lot like the doctor who came to meet me 2 days ago.

Sid: I think you're mistaken. It's just a coincidence.

Abhi: Yh, Avneet. He's not the doctor. Infact, two days ago, Sid was in this hospital because he got into an accident.

Avu: Ohh, I'm sorry. It's just that his voice is so familiar. 

Sid: It's fine.

Jai: Ok, now should we go?

Vaishu: Yh, all the discharge formalities have been done, so let's go.

Sid: Di, you have to take your clothes from your house right?

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