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Hey sidneetians, welcome to another chapter of Opposites. As always thanks for your upvotes and lovely comments. Without wasting much time, let's continue the story.

Precap: Avu and Sid got stuck in the car and Sid got suspicious that she is the mystery girl. When he found out, he silently went in her house without saying anything.

Avu: Sid! Stop!

She snaps out of her dream with a jolt! (A/N: Sorry, but I had to create a good suspense)

Sid: What happened Avu? You seem so scared as if one of your secrets got out and something terrible happened.

Avu: So, it was a dream?

Sid: Yh and you were murmuring in your sleep. You must be very tired, go ahead and sleep in your room. I'll go pick Jai and come back, then we can have dinner, ok?

Avu had already slept by this and time and Sid realized it quickly as her head was on his shoulder and she was clutching his arm tightly.

Sid's POV

She looks so cute while sleeping. I think I like her; otherwise, would I allow any other girl to do this? I would have gotten so angry at her. Maybe I do. I should refuse Krupa when I see her. This is not fair to her. I hope she doesn't take this badly.

End of POV

Sid carried Avu while she was still clutching his arm and took her to her room. He dropped her there and went to pick up Jai.

Jai: Sid, you should see what I found.

Sid: What is it?

Jai: It's related to Reem, I scanned her video and found a few clues that could help us reach to her kidnappers.

Sid: Ok, show

Jai: First clue is that Reem's kidnappers used a fake voice and one of my friends used his hacking methods to filter his real voice with which finding him would be easier.

Sid: Ok, second clue?

Jai: Second clue is that Reem was constantly point to her bracelet in the video. When I checked it again properly, her bracelet was blinking. It means there was a tracker beeping in it. We can access the tracker's location online using the internet. I can do that at home with good convenience.

Sid: Third?

Jai: Last clue. There are a lot of paint cans and boxes as well as emulsion paints. And the location from a certain window seems to be that of a jungle. I scanned it to know whether it is an original background and it is, so we can easily find Reem now.

Sid hugged Jai when he heard the last news.

Sid: You have no idea what this means to me. Thank you so much Jai.

Jai: No problem. I have never seen anyone who treats a girl like that. He deserves to be hanged till death.

(A/N: Twinkle, there you go. Even Jai has said it)

Sid: Absolutely. And he will regret whatever he has done.

Jai: By the way, where is Avu?

Sid: She at your house, sleeping.

Jai: Oh, ok. Let's go otherwise, she'll miss call me so much when she wakes up

Sid: Sure

They both go and reach home. Avu is awake by this time and is cooking in the kitchen.

Jai: Avu, we're back!

Avu: Ok, have a seat, food will be ready in just a minute.

Jai: I told you not to cook when we have paid someone to do that. Anyway, I'm going to my room to freshen up. Don't stress yourself.

Avu: Ok, just chill!

Jai goes up to freshen up while Sid scrolls through his phone when he hears Avu scream. She cut her finger while chopping veggies. Sid runs to the kitchen and sees her bleeding hand. He grabs the first aid box and comes to her.

Sid: Avu, are you ok? Is it hurting? Why do you do this when Jai specifically told you not to it? Huh? You almost scared the life out of me. Why aren't you responding? Say something.

Avu was just lost in him while he was wrapping a bandage around her finger.

Sid: Avu you need to be more careful from now on

Avu: Hmmm

Sid thought that her mind is distracted so he took out his phone and started recording a video.

Sid: And you won't enter the kitchen from now on

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: And you will not call me Sid, but Siddharth

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: And you will come closer to me..... (he said this while coming closer)

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: And you will...

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: Let me slap you!

Avu: What!? Why?

Sid: Finally, you've snapped out of it, let me show you.

Avu: Show me what?

Sid: This

He shows Avu the video and she gets so embarrassed after watching it.

Avu: Please delete it na, I'm your friend, right?

Sid: Are you joking? There's no way I'm deleting this. (He says while holding up his phone to the maximum height over his head)

Avu jumps up to reach it but she fails the first few times.

Sid: You can't reach it.

He teases her by putting the phone in front of his chest. She releases her arm to grab the phone but instead ends up putting her hand on his chest as she stumbles, so he must hold her by her waist. They have an eyelock as they realise both are leaning in until....

What do you think of Sid and Avu's closeness? 

Will he finally realise his feelings for her?

Will Reem's kidnapper turn out to be someone she knows?

To know the answers to each of your questions keep checking for regular updates of Opposites. I know I am late in uploading this, but due to some internet problems, I couldn't upload this chapter. Thanks for understanding.

Bye. Lots of love

Word count: 920 

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