Hum Tum

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Hey sidneetians, thanks for all the love given to characterization and Pehla Nasha esp. to @Twinkle3689 . All the upvotes mean a lot to me, so without wasting time, let's get into the story




Precap: Avu and Reem were writing notes and Reem wanted to introduce Avu to Sid.

Ab aage:

After class was over Avu and Reem both were free for an hour so Reem dragged Avu to Sid's class.

Reem: He doesn't like talking to many people or socializing so don't mind if he ignores you most of the times. I have introduced a lot of girls to him but he is just so picky.

Avu: Wow, but you know I already have someone occupying 'that' corner of my heart even if it is just a normal crush.

Reem: Oh come on, you don't even know that guy. What if he wasn't even attending this college? But whatever happens, I'm with you. Oh look, Sid is coming out.

Avu couldn't see him due to so many students coming out, but as students started to clear she saw his face and was completely shocked.

Avu's POV

Oh God, he's the same guy does that mean I have a crush on Reem's brother who is a complete introvert? WHAT!! I told you he's the one for you, but you didn't believe me. Anyway, he's cute, isn't he? So what if he's an introvert? He must be super nice to have saved you this morning. Just believe the subconscious mind for once. Wow, this is the first time you talked sensibly. So, you think there can be something between us? Well even if I like him, I still want to know more abt him. So, I can't tell him it was me he saved this morning. What if he finds out? How will he? Your eyes say it all. There are a lot of people with brown eyes. I'm sure he won't.

Sid: Hey Reem, what brings you here? And who's this (he says pointing at Avu who had her eyes closed.)

Reem: I wanted to introduce you to (she taps Avneet's shoulder which makes her open her eyes with a jolt) Avu, my new friend.

Avu: (in mind) Oh God, I hope he doesn't recognize me by my eyes. And why's he staring at me? Does he remember? I hope not. (in reality) Avneet and it's nice to meet you.

POV ends

Sid's POV

This girl looks so familiar. Her eyes have the same innocence that mystery girl had. (we will be calling her mystery girl until identities are revealed). I don't know why but this girl makes me feel as if I am closer to the mystery girl. 

Reem: Sid, where are you (she said shouting in his ear)

End of POV

Author's POV

Sidd: Hmm... Yh.. What?

Avu: (in mind) So strange he is. Sometimes he stares at me and the next minute, he is behaving so weird. Teda hai par tera hai. Just shut up subconscious mind. Haww, how rude. Whatever.

Reem: Which world are you living in?

Sid: Sorry, I was just thinking abt something.

Reem: Something or someone (she said smirking)

Sid: Someone (he said without thinking twice)

Reem: Oh really!!?? Pls introduce me to her. I would love to meet her.

Avu: Yeah of course (she said faking a smile)

Sid: That's the problem, I don't know how she looks.

Reem: Then how did you meet her?

Sid: In the morning, I bumped into someone and (he describes the entire incident). That's what happened. I don't know how she looks Reem but she's the one for me.

Avu: How can you like someone you've just met?

Sid: Trust me. You can. 

They had an eyelock for like 20 secs which was broken by Reem.

Reem: Sidd, the incident you described to me sounds exactly like the one Avu described to me this morning.

Sid: What? Really? Is this scarf yours? He says picking up the scarf.

Avu: Umm...ummm..woh

Reem: Stop fumbling and say something Avu.

Sid: Yh, pls give me any clue so I can reach to the mystery girl.

Avu: Uhh...I...know......her.

Sid: Really?( he gets excited and hugs her surprisingly. She is a little surprised but returns the hug)

Reem: (fake coughs) Can we do this as a group hug after we know her name?

Sid: Oh yeah, I completely forgot. Avu, what's her name?

Avu: .......




What do you think will be Avu's answer?

Do you think that perv teacher is still up to something?

Riyaz or Raghav? Which character should be introduced next?

To know the answers to the suspense keep checking for regular updates of Opposites. 

Love my supporters and thanks for giving so much love to the chapters and the storyline. Love you all 

See you soon

Bye. Lots of love

Word count: 792

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