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Hey sidneetians, welcome to another chapter of Opposites. As always thanks for your upvotes and lovely comments. Without wasting much time, let's continue the story. 

Precap: Reem found out that Bhavesh was the one who kidnapped her and she remembers the horrible times she went through.

Ab aage:

Bhavesh: So where were we?

Reem: You were in juvenile custody and I was a free bird at last.

Bhavesh: I thought you would welcome me differently, Reem. (He said while looking at her face)

Reem: Just shut up, you devil! How dare you come back? When bhai finds out, he will rip you apart and this time your chances of survival are very less.

Bhavesh: Blah, blah, blah. Are you done?

Reem looked away from him and made a disgusted face. Bhavesh used one of his hands to squeeze her face and turned it towards him.

Bhavesh: Stop showing tantrums. I have everything you could need. A luxurious house, a great car, 100 servants, 1000 dresses for you.

Reem: Nice try. But I'm not those kind of girls who would sell my body for luxuries. You don't love me. It's just lust. Pure lust.

She spit on his face. Bhavesh got angry and slapped her across. He dug his nails in her throat and collarbone as they bled. He didn't care about anything. Reem screamed at the top of her voice as he chained her hands behind her back and tied a cloth on her mouth. He continued his torture....

(A/N: I don't want to write more as it might make me emotional, so let's see what Sidneet and Jai are doing)

Back at Jai and sidneet:

It was a bright morning as Avu woke up. She stretched and went to freshen up. Jai also woke up in his room. Sid slept in the guest room last night as, there was no spare room for him. Jai went to Avu's room.

Jai: Hey sleepyhead!

Avu: Wassup?

Jai: I am going to freshen up. You should also do so.

Avu: Ok, then?

Jai: Then we'll wake up Sid, have breakfast and look for Reem.

Avu: Hmm, btw, speaking of Reem, do you like her?

Jai: K..k..kind of..ff. I guess? Why?

Avu: Bhai, don't lie to me. I know you love her cause you care for her so much.

Jai: You know everything abt me. Don't you?

Avu: Yh, and I'm pretty sure she likes you too.

Jai: W..what? She hasn't even met me, Avu

Avu: Reem told me everything that happened.

Jai: Everything? 

Avu: Yep

Flashback in author's POV

Before college started, Reem had to come down to take care of something related to her fees. When she left the principal's office, her foot slipped and















... she fell down! (No dramatic entry like sidneet's. Sorry) Jai was passing by when he saw a crowd gathered and laughing at something.

Jai: What happened there? (he asked a randomn guy)

Guy: Don't know, although some girl fell down.

Jai: Oh shit! she must be in pain.

Jai ran to the middle of the crowd pushing students away and saw Reem crying with a huge bruise on her arm. It must have been at least three inches long cause her arm is what she landed on. He was dumbstruck when he saw her.

Jai: (in mind) She's so beautiful. I can't believe all these people are laughing instead of helping her. She looks like an innocent soul. I think...

Reem: Ow! Can't this day have been better?

Jai snapped out of his thought.

Jai: I'm so sorry, let me help you.

Reem looked up to see the most gorgeous eyes she ever has. She was completely lost in him until she realized he carried her to the college clinic. She was staring at him the entire time. They were quiet the whole way. The nurse was absent so Jai had to dress her wound himself.

Jai: I know you are scared just corporate a bit coz this might hurt.

Reem: I'm sorry you had to do all that for me.

Jai looked up at her eyes and they both had a cute eye lock which was broken by Jai

Jai: I should be sorry that everyone treated you like that. They are just so unfriendly.

He treated her wound and bandaged her arm.

Reem: Thank you so much for doing this.

Jai: No problem and I think anyone would have done it if they were in my place.

Reem: I don't think so. Anyway I should get going now, Sid must be waiting for me.

Jai: Who's Sid? (he asked with curiosity, it was mostly jealousy. Reem sensed that he was jealous)

Reem: He's my lifeline.

Jai: Oh. (he was a bit sad)

Reem: Yh, I love him so much coz he's my..

Jai: Um, I think I should get going now. (he was on the verge of crying)

Reem: I didn't get your name.

Jai: Jai.

He left without saying anything. He didn't know Sid was Reem's bro until the day he met him at college.

End of flashback.

Avu: So you like her that much and never told me. (she faked her anger while pouting)

Jai held his ears and went in front of her on his knees.

Jai: Shorry (he said in his baby voice)

Avu: Koi baat nahi. (No problem)

Avu went to take a shower and afterwards, ate breakfast with Sid and Jai. Jai showed them the location of Reem's tracker and they all went there.

Sid: This is a huge building. Avu, you stay with me and Jai, check the other room on the first floor while we take care of the ground floor.

Jai and Avu nodded in response.

Avu: Let's go.





Sorry, had to end it here. Hope you guys liked this chapter.For more info, keep checking on regular updates on Opposite. Thanks for making this trend 23rd in sidneet. This means a lot to me. Love you all for your upvotes and courage.

Thank you.

Bye. Lots of love

Word count: 1022

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