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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Sorry for updating after two days. I was extremely busy in schoolwork. So, without wasting time let's get to the story

Precap: Bhavesh tried to bribe the police officer

Ab aage:

Police: Nirbhaya case 2016. Victims hanged to death due to protests around the nation. You think I'll let that happen to another daughter of the nation. Sorry, I'm not for sale.

Bhavesh: (gritting his teeth) Think about it. It's a lot of money you're letting go.

Police: Don't bother. (he turns to face elsewhere)

Bhavesh bangs the bars of the prison in anger.

At Reem

She gained consciousness and was now able to talk and react to everything going on around here. Avu, Sid and Jai visited her after Avu's discharge and were now trying to feed her.

Avu: Eat it for God's sake.

Reem: But I'm full (she said while making a cute pout)

Sid: Reem, we've been trying to convince you since the past 15 minutes. Enough with the drama sis.

Reem: I'm not hungry. Why don't you guys understand such a simple thing?

Jai was in the corner on his phone with earphones stuck to his ears like magnets. He had been on it for half an hour singing to an imaginary audience at times. Avu and Sid were just ignoring him because they were so focused on Reem. Avu thinks of an idea as quick as light. She runs over to Jai and screams in his ears.


Avu knew this would trigger him and it did. He quickly ran over to her and realized it was a prank. He looked over at Avu and Sid who were laughing their heads off. He was angry at them but controlled himself when he saw Reem laughing. He couldn't help himself and joined them. After 5 seconds, they all stopped laughing grabbing their stomachs.

Avu: You should've seen your face. It was like Reem is your oxygen and without her you would die. 😏

Jai: (blushing) N..n...no I was just afraid something serious would have happened.

Sid: Well, something would have definitely happened.

Jai: Huh? What do you mean?

Sid: I mean that she isn't eating the food the doctor told her to. She says she's not hungry. We're trying to convince her from so long but this madam isn't listening to anything.

Reem pulled a face at this.

Reem: Bhai, I don't want to. It's so..

Sid: So..? (he arched his eyebrow)

Reem: Healthy (she said in her cutest voice)

Jai almost melted at this but he knew she wouldn't listen even if he tried convincing her, but he tried to anyway.

Jai: Reem, just eat it please, for my... I mean Sid's sake.

Reem: If I do, you must promise me McDonald's after my discharge. Agreed? (he took out her hand for a handshake)

Jai: Done. (he shook it happily)

Sid and Avu were dramatically clapping by this time. Avu even shed a few dramatic tears and wiped them off dramatically.

Sid: So, you agreed instantly with Jai, but with us? You're such a drama queen, Reem. (he throws his hands up in surrender)

Avu: I agree with Sid. Such a drama queen. (she rolls her eyes)

Sid: Thank God someone agrees with me. What about you, Jai?

Sid and Avu turns towards Jai and Reem and started smiling. Jai was feeding Reem because she had drips attached to her.

Sidneet: Aww, how cuteee!! 😏😏

Jai and Reem turned red and broke apart.

Sid: Continue, we didn't see anything. Right Avu? 😏

Avu: Talk for yourself, I even took a pic...

Sid dragged Avu out of the room and took her out.

Avu: Hey, what was that for? It was so much fun teasing them. You are such a spoilsport. Have I ever told you...

Sid covered her mouth because she was talking too much.

Sid: You talk so much Miss Bullet Train. I think from now on I should call you that.

She instantly removed his hand from her mouth.

Avu: Are you insane!? Why would you put your hands on my mouth knowing you just ate fish! Do you know how allergic I get? I'm sure you don't. And why have you pulled me out? Let's go to Jai and Reem.

Sid: I dragged you out because it would interfere in the both of them if we were there. Now look at them.

She looked through the transparent window and saw Jai feeding Reem and talking to her cutely.

Sid: They are just so adorable.

He was finally happy that Reem had found someone to share her feelings with. 

Sid's POV

Reem looks so happy with Jai. I have never seen her so happy with anyone. She deserves to be happy. And what about you?😏What do you mean? I mean to say that some people are so stupid that they don't even realize their happiness is standing right in front of them. 

Sid looked over at Avu who tucked a hair strand behind her ear. Unfortunately, the strand kept coming in front of her face. 

She looks so cute while removing the strand off her face.

So about what I was saying earlier

W..w..hat? Avu is just a friend

I never mentioned her.😏

You are just trying to confuse me now.

No, you are confusing yourself.

Just go from here.

End of POV

Avu: Yh, they are super adorable.

Sid: But not more than us. (he said under his breath, which he thought Avu didn't hear but she did)

Avu's POV

So, he thinks we're adorable? How cute. I knew you'd melt for him. 😏Just shut up. I think I do like him a lot more than just friends but I don't know how he feels. I don't think this is the right time to confess anything. Especially now, when we have to convince Reem for a court session. I think Jai can convince her.

End of POV

Avu: Sid? 

Sid: Yeah?

Avu: I think now is the right time to convince Reem about a court session to put Bhavesh behind life imprisonment. 

Sid: Yh, you're right. Let's ask him immediately without wasting much time.

Sidneet enter the room and find Jai sitting next to Reem

Sid: Jai, we need to talk to you.

Jai: Ok, let's go.

Jai exits the room.




What will be Jai's reaction?

Will Reem get justice or is Bhavesh having another trick up his sleeve?

How was this chapter? Please comment

Thanks. Bye

Lots of love

Word count: 1086

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