Ateet (Past)

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Hey sidneetians, welcome to another chapter of Opposites. As always thanks for your upvotes and lovely comments. Without wasting much time, let's continue the story.

Precap: Avu and Sid were in the kitchen when they found themselves really close to each other. They were leaning in.

Ab aage:

Jai: Avu, are you still in the kitchen? I told you not to be there when we already have a cook.

(A/n: You guys didn't really think I would let that happen when Sid hasn't realised his feelings. And however, no mature content in this book. Only cute moments  :)

Avu slightly pushed Sid away as they separated into a really awkward silence.

Sid: I'll serve the food and you and Jai should set up the dishes.

Avu: Yeah (She said awkwardly while looking away from him)

Jai entered the kitchen and saw the bandage on Avu's finger.

Jai: Who in bloody hell told you to do this? I could have managed, you know

Avu: Yh sure, with burnt food like last time.

Sid: What?

Avu: When the cook was off duty, Jai said he'd cook but he poured too much water in the pasta and it turned out to be the 'best' pasta in the world.

Jai turned red as he was embarassed

Jai: It was an accident. (he said in his most innocent voice which made Avu melt)

Avu: Aww, (she went to him, pulled his cheeks and hugged him)

Jai: Love you sis

Avu: Love you too, bro

Sid got emotional cause he thought of his time with Reem when she newly tried cooking but ended up spilling flour all over herself and looked like a cake. She looked so cute when she was angry, he thought. His eyes filled up immediately but he wiped it off. Jai didn't notice this but Avu did.

Avu: Don't worry, nothing will happen to her.

Sid: And I won't let anything happen

Jai: Me neither (he said smiling)

Avu shot a small smirk at him but he glared at her and she shot him a 'whatever' look.

Avu: Anyways, let's eat now.

Sid: Sure

They go to the dining table and start eating, forming an awkward silence which was broken by Avneet.

Avu: Btw, Jai, did you find anything abt Reem?

Jai: Yh, (he tells her abt all the clues).

Sid: Tomorrow, with the help of the tracker, we find her and bring her back safely.

Avu: Finally, she'll be back where she should be.

Meanwhile at Reem

Reem's POV

I was in the cafetaria bidding byes to Avneet when suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms  put something on my mouth. I only remember BLACK after that. The last thing I remember is someone splashing water on my face which was as cold as ice causing me to wake up. I immediately recognized the person. It was Bhavesh. My worst nightmare.

Flashback in Reem's POV:

Reem: Bhai, I don't want to go to school. (She whined)

Sid: Ok, then that means you have to rot one more year cause technically, you won't be able to do your 12th exams and I have to work hard all day to pay your fees.

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