Bittersweet Pasta

700 54 15

Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chap of Opposites. Longgggggg chhuti 😁😁 . I know and I'm sorry 🥺🥺. Pls maaf kardo (puppy face). I had these irritating exams. from last two weeks, that's why. In the meantime, enjoy the song above from the upcoming Punjabi film Puaada (I am a punjaban, that's why 😁😁). Anyways, let's continue the story:

Precap: Avu wanted to see the dish Sid was making for her, but he didn't allow her.

Ab aage:

Avu: Sid, yaar pls.

Sid: No, not yet. First go to the dining table, I'll bring the dish and show you, ok?

Avu: Ok

She walks over to the beautiful dining table and sits down waiting for Sid. However, the lights go off and it is complete darkness. 

Avu's POV

Omg, complete darkness. What do I do now? Should I call Sid? You just need an excuse to call him. No, I don't. Just shut up.

End of POV

Avu: Si...

Someone covered her mouth and pulled her to the attic. Avu was struggling to get free. She was kicking, punching, but nothing seemed to affect that person. She felt a blindfold covering her eyes and the hand covering her mouth, left it.

Avu: You freaking intruder!!! Just let Sid come. He'll beat you black and blue if he finds out what you have done to me. I swear to God, I won't leave you. I haven't grown my finger nails just for beauty; I'll scratch your face if you dare touch me.

Meanwhile, back with Jai, Reem, Abhi and Vaishu:

Vaishu: I hope they confess.

Abhi: Yeah, but knowing what a coward Sid is, I think Avu will be more likely to do that.

They all chuckle at this except Reem. She looks somewhat upset and walks away to the balcony. Abhi signals Jai to go after her and winks at him. Jai nods and takes two mugs of coffee with him.

Jai: You okay?

Reem: Yh. All good

Jai: Great! Then have this (he hands her the coffee mug)

She takes a sip from it and looks outside.

Jai: Ok, now I know something's up.

Reem: Huh?

Jai: I made that coffee and you drank it without spitting it out, so I assume everything's not fine.

Reem: It's just that I don't want Bhavesh to do anything to bhai and Avu. And I miss bhai so much.

Jai: Don't worry, they'll be back by tomorrow evening. And if Bhavesh does anything...

Abhi: Then we'll beat the hell out of him together.

Vaishu: Yep.

Reem: (teary eyes) I love you guys with all my life. (She hugs them)

Abhi: Ok, drama queen can we go to sleep now?

Reem: (chuckles) Ok.

Back to sidneet:

She feels a finger on her lips.

Sid: Omg, how much can you talk? Miss Bullet Train. (smirk)

Avu removes the finger. (She is still blindfolded)

Avu: Sid! Why did you do this?

Sid: I wanted to give you a surprise, but you ended up surprising me.

Avu: Is this a surprise? I was hell scared!

Sid: I know. (he removes the blindfold and holds his ears) And I'm sorry.

Avu just smiles at his cuteness.

Avu: It's ok. Anyways, I'm hungryyyyy. (she pouts cutely) What's there to eat?

Sid: This.

He brings forward pasta which is decorated just like in restaurants and some ice cream for dessert. Avu licks her lips and impatiently takes the bowl of pasta from him. He admires her and gets lost. After sometime, she notices he's staring at her and snaps her fingers in front of him. He comes back to his senses.

Avu: Sid, eat it. It's so good.

Sid: I am the one who made it after all

Avu: Whatever.

They both eat and go to bed. The next day, they get up and go to Reem's old school.

Sid: Avu, want some snacks? (he held a lays pack)

Avu: Thanks, but keep your eyes on the road, mister. (she turns his face)

Sid: (pouts) Fine.

After some time

Avu: Sidddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sid: Wha...

It was too late, the truck crashed the car, sending it into a valley below making everything seem black....




Bad suspense, I know. And I'm sorry. But, I hope you loved the comeback and before I forget...

 But, I hope you loved the comeback and before I forget

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Thank you so muchhhhhh for this 🥺🥺🥺🥺 !!!!!! Love you all so much and see you in the next chap

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Thank you so muchhhhhh for this 🥺🥺🥺🥺 !!!!!! Love you all so much and see you in the next chap. Btw, Happy April Fool's DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! 😜😜😜

Word count: 781

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