Memories Come And Go

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Hey Sidneetians welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thank you for all the love given to the previous chapter. I am still not satisfied with the votes given so I have set a target of 30 votes.

Precap: Jai proposed to Reem while playing truth or dare.

Ab aage:

Avu: Aww, that was such a sweet proposal. I knew you had it in you bhai.

Jai: Thanks, Avu

Abhi: I am happy for you guys.

Reem: Thank you bhai. Means a lot to me.

Avu and Sid feel extremely happy and can't contain the smile glued to their faces. They have an eye lock for a few seconds before they finally break it.

Vaishu starts yawning as her eyelids feel heavy and she dozes off on Abhi's shoulder.

Abhi: Uhh, I think I should drop Vaishu to her room.

Sid: Sure 😏

Jai: Of course 😏

Avu: Why not? 😏

Abhi: Gande bache (Dirty kids)

Everyone cracks up into laughter as Abhi carries Vaishu to her room

Sid: I guess, we should all also sleep. It's late.

Jai: Yh, well good night everyone!!

All: Good night!!!!

At midnight

I snuggle up in bed, as I listen to my favorite tunes. It isn't long before I finally catch some sleep. Soon, I see a dark shadow creeping towards me. As the shadow comes closer, it's identity is revealed.

Avu: Sid?!

Sid: Yes Avu. It's me. 

He said this with a monotone voice and smiled sweetly at me.

Avu: What are you doing here?

I replied, still half-asleep.

Sid: I want to show you something.

Avu: Now? Can't it wait till morning?

I asked with my eyebrows raised. He nodded his head in a no and gestured me to come along.

As we began to walk, he quickened his pace.

Avu: Slow down Sid!

I shouted.

Sid: Speed up, Avu!

I began to ran in order to match his pace, and suddenly he began to run even faster. I cannot believe his energy capacity. Seriously! What does this boy eat?

Avu: Sid, wait for me!

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I tried to catch up to him in the midst of a dense jungle

Wait? Jungle?!

I had no idea, I had such stamina. And yet, here I was trapped in the labyrinth of a dark green jungle. Sid was nowhere in sight however, his voice was nearby.

I heard gentle whispers among a few emerald green bushes. I darted closer to hear what all the hustle was about. As I neared, I heard two voices. A male that resembled Siddharth and a female that resembled... me!?

Sid: Avu you need to be more careful from now on

Avu: Hmmm

Sid thought that her mind is distracted so he took out his phone and started recording a video.

Sid: And you won't enter the kitchen from now on

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: And you will not call me Sid, but Siddharth

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: And you will come closer to me..... (he said this while coming closer)

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: And you will...

Avu: Hmmm

Sid: Let me slap you!

Avu: What!? Why?

I was in complete shock as I tried to process all that was happening. I knew for sure this was a dream and it's definitely trying to show me something. I just stared at the scene unfolding in front of me.

Avu: Sid?

The dreamlike figures disappeared in a flash and went up in smoke. Another voice was lurking behind me. I felt two warm hands gently covering my eyes as a familiar voice spoke "Guess".

Avu: Siddharth (I spoke with a soft silk like voice)

I felt him snake his hands around my waist in a warm embrace as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

Sid: Yes, you're right.

Avu: What's going on? Why am I seeing these scenes? I'm scared

Sid brushed my hair aside and faced me eye to eye. He held my hands up to his chest and pulled me closer. It's as if I couldn't resist him, but why? After all we were just friends, right?

Sid: I know you have a lot of questions in your mind. This scene you just saw is a memory

Avu: But I don't remember that.

He looks up at me with those hazel orbs captivating me in his gaze as I struggled to pull myself out.

Sid: Avu, believe it or not. You lost your memory which is why you can't remember everyone. You used to be such good friends with Reem and the both of you worried me a lot. You were so close to everyone- to me. We were more than just friends.

I pulled myself away from him slightly as I looked at him. His eyes displaying truth, honesty and.. love. But how could I believe him? How did I know all of this is true? As if mimicking my thoughts, he spoke "It is true, Avu."

Sid: You'll find out. Don't worry.

As soon as those words escaped his mouth, cold sweat started to form on my forehead and I woke up in my bed to my surprise.

Avu: I remember. I remember everything now.
Hey guyss, sorry for being so late. I was going through some personal shit and in the midst of all that, I clearly forgot abt this story and I came to meet a thousand notifications on my Wattpad. Anyways, I tried adding a lot of description to my chapter as you can see.

Pls tell me if you liked and and pls vote. My story has over 55,000 reads but one 2,000 votes for all 33 chapters. Pls vote and support otherwise I may have to end the story in a way you wouldn't like.

That's all for now. Untill we meet again.


Word count: 979

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