Road Trip

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thank you for the upvotes and love and esp. for making this book trend 8th in Sidneet. Means a lot. Let's continue

Precap: Everyone went to a club where Avu got drunk and Sid handles her. She tells him the truth in her drunken state before she passes out.

Ab aage:

Sid: Avu, why didn't you tell me this earlier?

He carries her to her room and goes to the kitchen to make lemonade for her. When he comes back, he realizes she isn't on the bed where he left her.

Sid: Avu, where are you?!

A pair of hands cover his eyes from behind.

Avu: Knock Knock.

Sid: Avu, I'm not in the mood for jokes.

Avu: Wrong answer! You're supposed to (hiccup) say who's there?

Sid: Fine! Who's there?

Avu: The mystery girl.

Sid: Mystery girl who?

She removes her hands and jumps in front of him.

Avu: Me!

Sid: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Avu: I was kind of (hiccup) insecure and didn't know you well. (She goes close to him and whispers in his ears) But now, I do.

Sid: So, how has your opinion changed?

Avu: You are the most bestest person I've fallen in (hiccup) love with! (she screams in his ears making him go back and she bursts laughing)

Sid: Bestest? So there are others?

Avu: Aww, look at my possessive Sid (she goes close to him and pulls his cheeks)

Sid: (in mind) She isn't in her senses which is why she's saying such nonsense. She'll be fine in the morning.

Sid: (in reality) Avu, go to bed.

Avu: I don't want to sleep.

Sid: Avu, if you don't sleep, I won't talk to you for the whole day.

Avu: (gasps) Ok, fine but on one condition.

Sid: What condition?

Avu: You will sleep besides me.

Sid: Avu, I won't do so.

Avu: Then, I won't sleep.

She starts jumping on the bed and dances.

Sid: (in mind) I'll agree for now but I'll go when she sleeps.

Sid: Ok, fine. Now can we sleep?

Avu: That's like a good boy (she ruffles his hair and pats his head)

They both settle down on the bed and shortly Avu falls asleep. Sid slowly creeps up the bed but can't get out because Avu's hand is on his stomach pulling him into a hug. If he tries harder, she'll wake up again, so he slept like that.

At the club

Vaish: Abhi, we should get going now. Sid and Avu must be worried for us.

Abhi: Yh, let's go Vaishu.

They look for the rest of their friends and reach the house. Everyone is tired so they retire to their rooms.

In the morning

Sid wakes up first and sees Avu sleeping. He smiles at her and sees that he is now hugging her, and she has her face cupped in his hands. He traces a finger on her jawline gently, and she wakes up and smiles upon seeing him. They both stay in that position for a long time.

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