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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thank you for all the lovely votes and comments given to previous chapters. It is just really overwhelming for me to receive so much love on my first book itself. Anyways, let's begin the chapter.

Precap: Sid and Avu decided to talk to Jai about convincing Reem for being a witness.

Ab aage:

Jai: Yh, what was it that you guys wanted to talk about?

Sid: Jai, we are thinking that Reem needs justice.

Jai: But isn't the kidnapper already in jail?

Avu: Actually (she tells Jai the entire story)

Jai: Oh my God, so much has happened to Reem and she didn't even tell me!

Sid: So, you thought she would? (smirk)

Avu: This is not why we called him here. (she shouted at Sid) Jai; we need help convincing Reem about being a witness to this. She must confess in court and give a police statement. We need to be her support not her weakness which is why we want you to talk to her about it.

Sid: For the first time, whatever you said made sense. Miss Bullet Train.

Avu: Oh, so that means I am not sensible. Right?

Sid: No, Avu there's no such thing.

Avu: Yes, there is.

Sid: No

Avu: Yes

Sid: No

Avu: Yes

Sid: No

Avu: Yes

Jai: Guys!!

Sid and Avu both look at him and say in unison

Sidneet: What?

Jai: I think you're forgetting we are in a hospital. H O S P I T A L. (He spells out each letter individually and uses his fingers as if explaining a complex biology term.)

Jai: Now, can we discuss on how to convince her.

Sid: What is there to convince, use the fact to your advantage that she likes you.

Jai: Ok, wait what?

Avu: Nothing, just go and talk to her. (She stomped Sid's foot before he could complete the statement)

Jai: Ok.

Sid: Why did you do that?

Avu: Do what? (she asks innocently batting her eyelashes at him)

Sid: Nothing. (he says it rather sarcastically and turns away from her)

Avu: You know, you look cute while being angry. I think it suits you.

Sid: Is that so?

He steps forward one step. Avu doesn't realize what he is doing yet.

Avu: Yeah, absolutely. And even more from this angle.

Sid: Then let me zoom it up to you.

He steps really close making her bump into the wall.

Avu: S..s..id, wh..at a..are y..y...you doing?

Sid: What my heart wants.

Avu: And what is that?

Sid: It is...

He steps really close making the proximity between them merely 2 centimeters apart.

Sid: This. (he put this thumb on her lips)

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