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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thank you for all the constant support and love. And as usual, don't forget to vote and comment. Anyways, let's continue with the next chapter.

Precap: Sid and Avu were in the OT and Jai decided to give his blood to Sid since no one's blood group matched and Reem accompanied him.

Ab aage:

The nurse attached the drip to obtain the blood from Jai's arm. The moment the needle entered in Jai's arm, he clutched Reem's hand. She smiled at him.

Jai: Why so happy?

Reem: Didn't think you would be scared of needles.

Jai: I am. Since childhood. 

Reem: Hmm. I hope Sid and Avu will be fine. I can't imagine what you're going through.

Jai: It's hard, but Avu's a fighter. She will make it. She has to.

Nurse: Sir, stay here for a while. You may feel weak, so I suggest some water for now, and after half an hour, you may eat some fruits to restore the iron.

Reem: I'll stay here with him. Can you please get the water for him?

Nurse: Sure, ma'am.

Jai: Aww, the nurse was pretty cute. Why'd you send her away? (he fakes a frown)

Reem: If you think the nurse is so pretty, then tell her to stay with you and feed you water. I'll go, if you like. You know, I take my thanks back. Stay here with your pretty and 'cute' nurse. Mai jaa rahi hoon (I'm going).

Jai: (holds her wrist even tighter) Where exactly do you think you're going?

Reem: Anywhere but here. (she says not looking at him)

Jai: Reem, look at me.

Reem: No 

Jai: Please.

Reem turns to look at him and she sees that with the other hand he has free, he is holding his ear and mouthing a cute sorry at her. She melts but doesn't show it and keeps a straight face.

Reem: What's all this?

Jai: My apologies (he pouts)

Reem: Accepted

Jai: Sure?

Reem: Y..y....e...s...sssss. Jai, w...what a...r..e you doinggg???? (she laughs)

Jai: Trying to confirm my apologies (he tickles her harder and she laughs harder)

Reem: O...okay! Acc...ep..ted. Now!

Jai: Okay.

Meanwhile with Abhinavi:

Abhi: I hope Avu will be fine

Vaishu: Yh, Sid too.

The doctor comes out of Avu's OT.

Doctor: The patient's brother was here a few minutes ago. Where did he go?

Abhi: Actually, Doctor he's giving blood to my brother in the other OT.

Vaishu: But you can share information with us. We'll pass it down to him.

Doctor: She's out of danger and very weak. Her arm was fractured and she has a major head injury which resulted in her losing her memory. 

Vaishu: W..what? (stammers)

Abhi: Doctor, how far does she remember?

Doctor: We can only find that out when she regains consciousness. I'm sorry.

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