Jaireem #2

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. I hope you're all fine. I know how eagerly you're waiting for this part and I was so excited while writing this. Some of you asked how I am. I'm great and my tooth had to be extracted since the gum was bleeding so much. The dentist said I might also need braces, and I'm really scared. However, my tooth got removed and is much better now. Anyways, let's continue with the chapter.


Sid, Avu and the rest were watching Conjuring part one and during mid movie, due to fear, Avu clutched Sid's shoulders and slept in that position.

Ab aage:

In the morning:

Jai wakes up and sees Reem clutching his waist tightly and burying her head in his shoulder and smiles at himself. He tries to get out of her hold but, it's too strong. In the end, he finally replaces himself with a pillow as he gets out of her clutches. He goes to the kitchen to prepare a coffee for himself and sees Sid there.

Sid: Oh, hey Jai. You're awake. Coffee? I make it really nice.

Jai: Yes please and thanks.

Sid: By the way, what's this? 

He shows Jai a pic of him and Reem sleeping together during the movie. Reem was clutching Jai waist and he was hugging her adorably.

Jai: Umm... voh... I

Sid: (chuckles) It's ok, happens to the best of us.

Jai:  (Scratching his neck) Well, yh.

Sid: (hands him the coffee) I think you need this. It'll help open your mind after a good night's sleep 😏😏

Jai: (almost chokes on the coffee) Sidddd. Pls don't

Sid: Ok, fine. And anyways, I don't want you to spill the perfect coffee I made.

Jai: Mmm. It's actually amazing.

Sid: Told you so.

Jai: Should we wake the rest?

Sid: Hmm, yh.

They go to the living room and start screaming at the top of their lungs

Abhi: Hurricane!!! Hurricane!!!

Vaishu: Abhi!!! Chill!

She pats his back and then he calms down a bit. Jai and Sid can't stop laughing.

Jai: Oh My God!!! There is literally nothing funnier than this.

Sid: I agree

They high five and Vaishu glares at them

Sid: Sorry di.

Jai: Yeah, sorry.

They hold their ears and she starts laughing.

Vaishu: It's ok, I forgive you

Sid: (hugs her and shows tongue to Abhi) Thanks di

Vaishu: Welcome. Now wake the others.

Jai: Avu, wake up (she wakes up slightly)

Avu: Bhai, I'm up.

Jai: Good.

Sid: Reem, wake up

Reem: No, Jai. I want to sleep. (in a sleepy voice)

Sid: But Reem, you have to wake up or else Jai will get married to another girl.

Reem: Whattt!!!! No way!!! (she wakes up with a jerk and goes to Jai). You can't get married... I

Jai: Hold your horses Reem, I'm not.

Reem: Then who said that you were?

All fingers point to Sid

Sid: Umm... (scratches his head) do I get a death wish?

Reem: No! (she starts chasing him around the room)

Sid: Bhai save me.

Abhi: I can't. You brought this upon yourself.

Sid: Oh, come on.

All: NO!!

Reem chases him to the sofa where Avu is sitting and makes him fall on top of her intentionally. Avu and Sid share eye contact for a few seconds but it breaks easily thanks to Reem

Reem: Caught you!

Sid gets up.

Sid: Not fair.

Reem: Everything is fair in love and war 😏😏

Sid: Reeeeeemmmmm.

Reem: Ok, fine.

Jai: Now that that's settled, who wants breakfast?

All: I DO!!!

Avu: If Jai's making it, I don't want.

Jai: Heyyy, I can make breakfast.

Reem: But he's not going to. We're going to a restaurant

Avu: Yayyyy. Thanks Reem.

Jai: Fine by me.

Sid: It'll obviously be fine by you 😉

Avu: Exactly.

Abhi: Guys if you're done teasing Jai, can we go?

Vaishu: Yes, yes.




Really sorry for this extremely short chapter but my mind was empty and I didn't know which angle to see the story from. Anyways, pls vote and comment on this chapter and show your love as always.

Love you 😘😘😘😘😘

Byeee. Word count: 700

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