Who is bandar?

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Hey sidneetians, welcome back to another chapter of Opposites. Thanks for making this book trend 23 in sidneet. Let's continue the story.

Precap: Bhavesh shot someone instead of Reem.

Ab aage:

Jai taps Sid's shoulders to make him realise that Avu came in front of Reem when Bhavesh shot the gun. She got shot on her legs and fell immediately. Sid took Reem to an ambulance which they called previously before entering cause they knew she would be hurt. Jai took his sister to the ambulance as well and they made their way to the hospital.

(A/N: I know most people thought it would be Jai, but I can't help it. Your author is too much full of drama)

They reached the hospital in good time.

Sid: Make way! EMERGENCY!!

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?


Jai: We need a doctor! My sister and his sister are both injured. We don't have time for appointments.

Just then, a doctor comes after performing a surgery.

Sid: Doctor, can you please help us?

Doc: Yes, tell me what I can do for you?

Jai: Please treat both of them (he pointed towards Avu and Reem)

Doctor: Oh God! They have lost too much of blood. We may have to shift them both in separate rooms as soon as possible. But the other one (Reem) will have to undergo an operation.

Sid: Do whatever you want doctor, but please make them better.

Doctor: I will try my level best. Another doctor will take care of the other girl (Avu) in a separate ward.

Jai: Thank you so much doctor.

The doctor just nods and leaves from there while Reem and Avu are being layed on stretchers and are being taken away to different rooms. Reem is taken away to the ICU while Avu is being taken to another room. 

Jai: Sid, you look drained out. I'll go get us food. (he pats Sid's shoulder while getting up)

Sid: Yh, sure (he says with a blank expression)

Sid's POV

I so hope Reem gets better and so does Avu. It broke my heart to see the two most important people in my life suffering like that. Tbh, I don't care if Krupa is the mystery girl or not. All I know is that right now, I want Avu to be fine. I want her to annoy me, to talk non-stop as my Miss Bullet Train. 

End of POV

Author's POV

(a tear escapes from his eyes while thinking of her)

The doctor comes out ouf Avu's OT. Sid gets up and goes to the doctor.

Sid: Is s..she fine?

Doctor: Due to the excessive blood loss, she needs to eat a lot of ruits and vegetables consisting of iron. Other than that, she's fine now. We've  surgically removed the bullet from her leg. She is half conscious.

Sid: What does half-conscious mean?

Doctor: It means she can hear you but can't open her eyes or talk. To make it simple, she can't respond for 12 hrs, until the effects of the anesthesia don't wear off.

Sid: Can I see her?

Doctor: I'm really sorry. I can't allow that now.

Sid: Doctor, just for five minutes please.

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