28. Cold Revenge

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Ethan ushered them into the living room wincing when the sound tore through his ears again. Jake saw him wince but Ethan waved away his concern. The twins and Jake took the lounge and Ethan the armchair.

I don't think we should talk about it," Ethan said quietly, "Not at the moment anyway,"

Jake shook his head, "I disagree, we need to talk about this," He stopped, noticing the pain on Ethan's face, "What happened to you in there? Why did they keep you away from us?"

The twins watched silently as Ethan struggled with his emotions, he was slowly tearing himself apart.

"Trust me," He said, "You don't want to know," He winced as the sound hit him again.

He looked up thoughtfully, "Did any of those people touch you?" He glanced at the twins then back at Jake, "Not in the van, but after they separated us,"

Jake nodded, "One of them was teasing me when I asked where you were, He ruffled my hair,"

Ethan stood quietly and ran a hand through Jake's hair but he didn't find anything. He frowned, there had to be a reason for the noise. His father must have planned something. Then it hit him, he pulled Jake to his feet and turned him to the side. He ran his hand through the hood of Jake's jumper and his fingers touched something hard. He stared at the small plastic cube in his hand,

"What's tha-"

Ethan shook his head and Nate went quiet. Closing his eyes, Ethan tried to summon his power. He gasped in surprise when his hand instantly crackled with electricity. Smiling at how easily he'd summoned it, he concentrated, there was a popping sound and the cube disintegrated.

Jake's fingers scraped along his scar, "What the hell aren't you telling us Ethan?" He said quietly,

Ethan waited for a moment, listening but the noise didn't come. He sat down and told them what had happened when he woke up, he told them about his argument with Max. When he finished he rubbed his head. His head felt like it was going to split in half,

"So does he know about us?" Jacie asked

Ethan shrugged, "If he does, he knows he can't prove it but he definitely thinks we had something to do with it." He rubbed his head again, "I need to lie down,"

Jake stood up, "You can use my bed," he said

Ethan nodded and followed him up the stairs, Jake helped him take off his shoes and then when Ethan fell back against the pillows he rested his head on Ethan's shoulder.

"I'm glad you're ok," he said

Ethan wrapped his arms around him, "I'm just glad to be with you,"

Jake smiled as Ethan closed his eyes and they both drifted off to sleep.

The old man yelled as he crashed into the wall, he pushed his attacker away and straightened shakily, "What do you want?" he snapped,

A woman laughed coldly, and the old man cried out in pain,

"Justin, I want him to be able to breathe," Lucy ordered,

Justin stepped away from the man rubbing his knuckles, "He has a hard stomach," he grumbled,

Lucy rolled her eyes and stood facing the man, she waited until he got his breath back, "Mr Connors, Do you remember me?" She asked,

The old man peered at her, "I can't say I do,"

"Lucy," She snapped, "Lucy Metshap,"

The old man's eyes widened in recognition,

Lucy glared at him, "You made many female students lives a living hell, Mr Connors," She twisted the ring on her finger, "Of course, you never came for me personally but we all knew. Then just the other day," She pretended to laugh, "I saw that you'd taken the Vice Principal position and I decided to come pay you a visit."

Mr Connors glanced at Justin and paled, he cleared his throat, "I'm sure we can reach some kind of understanding." He rasped, "There's no need to be hasty,"

Lucy's eyes hardened, her anger rising. The colour drained from her eyes leaving them completely white, the pressure was hers. It was almost as if it had a mind of its own the way it pushed against her control, she pictured it surrounding his heart and Mr Connors gasped in pain. He clutched his chest sinking to the ground, he tried to call for help but the pressure forced his mouth shut.

Mr Connors's eyes met Lucy's with a ferocity not unlike her own, she focused the pressure further and he slumped and went still. She called the pressure back and breathed deeply,

"It does get stronger every time," she muttered,

Justin moved to her side, eyeing the dead man with disgust, "Where are we headed next?"

"Home," she told him,

He linked his arm with hers and his eyes went black, the streetlight at the end of the alley popped and they vanished.

When Ethan woke up it was dark, he checked his phone and sighed. it was nearly three in the morning, Jake was curled up asleep next to him, Ethan smiled, Jake looked peaceful when he slept. The scar was less visible almost as if it healed when he dreamed. Ethan stroked his cheek and stood, careful not to wake him he slid on his shoes and slipped out of the room.

He shivered as he walked outside, the cold air went straight through his clothes. He finally reached Blake's apartment and sighed in relief, his car was in the driveway. Ethan hurried up the steps and knocked quietly on the door, he bit his lip thoughtfully. He didn't want to wake Blake up but he didn't want to walk all the way back to the twin's house. He took his chance and tried to open the door, to his surprise it was unlocked and the door swung open

"Blake?" he called quietly, He shut the door and walked over to the lounge. He smiled, Blake had left out a fresh blanket and pillow. He set up his bed then quietly opened Blake's bedroom door, he glanced at the bed where Blake was sleeping peacefully. Smiling, he closed the door and collapsed onto the lounge. He draped the blanket over him and welcomed the waiting dreams.

The man slid out of his car and shut the door, it shut with so much force the window shattered and the car jolted to the side. He breathed deeply, evidently, the strength was going to be harder to control than he'd thought. He walked down the road for several metres, of course, if he was right, his less than perfect control of the power would mean very little.

He ran his hand over the Welcome to Ravera sign, they were here but for whatever reason, they were staying hidden. His eyes glowed silver in the darkness, there was no possibility that they knew of his existence. He needed to know if the powers had found one host or several. He gripped the crystal blade, either way, they would die. He bared his teeth as he tore the sign from the ground and flung it over the trees and out of sight.

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