45. Wood Splinters

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Jake paced nervously back and forth through the kitchen,

"Stop it," Jacie said,

He stared at her, "Why aren't you freaking out?"

She pushed a coaster around the table, "I am, I'm just better at hiding it,"

Nate tried to smile supportively but it looked more like a grimace, "You were defending yourself,"

Jake laughed anxiously, "Defending myself against cops,"

Nate shook his head, "They weren't cops, two random people broke into our house, pointed guns at us and then tried to abduct us. They didn't state who they were or give any valid reason for what they were doing here, there's no way the law sides against you on that."

"I'm sure that Cole guy is going to come back with more people now," Jake traced his scar while he thought about it, "Maybe we should run,"

The twins stared at him, "How would that work out?" Jacie asked, "A group of us homeless and roaming the streets,"

"Well I don't know," Jake replied, "We can't stay here though,"

"Yes you can," Blake said walking into the kitchen, "The group of us all know what happened, we can all provide statements to what happened,"

Jake stopped pacing and sat down, "I don't know,"

"You need to stop freaking out," Blake said calmly.

Jake shrugged, "It's not that simple,"

"Let me simplify it then, if you run you look guilty."

"There is a dead girl lying on our floor,"

"Not anymore," Justin said, appearing next to Blake.

A flicker of a scowl swept across Nate's face and vanished,

"What do you mean?" Jake demanded,

"See for yourself," Justin nodded towards the living room,

"Hold up," Nate said slowly, "You answered but you weren't here when the question was asked, can you turn invisible?" he demanded,

Justin shrugged, "In a way yeah, you already knew I could use the shadows to sort of teleport but I can enter them without actually going anywhere. Ever since I realised that, when I travel I check that the place I am travelling to is safe to appear in before I actually step out of the shadows." He paused, everyone was staring at him, he shrugged feeling embarrassed,

"You guys were in a conversation so I didn't want to interrupt but then you mentioned her and I thought I should say something."

Nate tried in vain not to feel jealous, " I don't get it, I had an orb why didn't I get powers."

Justin hesitated, Nate had actually spoken to him directly and didn't look like he wanted to grab him by the neck and strangle him. He knew there was a risk that he would regret answering.

"Maybe you just haven't found your trigger yet," Justin said cautiously,

Nate frowned at him but there was nowhere near as much anger as there had been recently but then almost as if someone had whispered in his ear and reminded him, his eyes grew cold and he turned away.

"Where did you take her?" Jacie asked nervously,

Justin shook his head, "It's better if you don't know,"

Jacie's eyes widened slightly but she nodded and let it go.

They fell into silence and Blake shook his head in disbelief. This was clearly too much for them, they are just teenagers. They are supposed to be meeting their first loves and studying for exams, not dealing with danger and death. Justin's eyes looked empty as if he had retreated into some small corner of his mind, Blake rubbed his shoulder reassuringly but he remained distant.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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