12. Internal Struggle

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~TRIGGER WARNING~ This scene contains extreme homophobia and physical violence, If you are in any way upset by this chapter please speak to someone who can help you through it or please feel free to privately message me if you need to talk. I in no way condone the behaviour shown.

Ethan waited impatiently as the laptop finished loading and a picture of the Palmox Forest filled the background, there were several files on the desktop.

Ethan stared at the picture for a moment; he recognised the red post that was located at the entrance and the two trees that reached across the path forming an arch. He shook his head and flicked through some of the files but they were mostly scientific findings and reports and he couldn't make any sense of it.

Yawning he went into images, he sat up straight there was a picture labelled Aloveen and he double-clicked it. A map popped up, it was a picture of the forest with a chart displaying power surges from twenty years ago. Ethan ran his finger across the screen following the trails, the area where the cabin had a circle around it and several locations around the cabin had coloured dots. He was tempted to go exploring right away but common sense reminded him that he would find and see little now that it was getting dark and so he took a photo and filed it away for use the next day.

He got up then went out to the fire he checked his phone and he frowned at the sky, his phone was telling him it was only four in the afternoon but looking at the sky it seemed a lot later because clouds still blocked out the sun and the sky was very dark. The fire had died down a bit so Ethan went off to collect some wood, they had brought a small hatchet for collecting wood but he didn't grab it. Following the trail, he picked up sticks and thick pieces of bark that the wind had torn from the tree, he started to notice large holes gaping along the edges of the track. So, watching his step, he started collecting small logs.

He readjusted the pile in his arms and slowly walked back towards the fire. Ethan got back just in time to see Jake put down his book and crawl out of the tent, he sat on his fold-up chair and stared into the fire just admiring the warm orange glow that the fire was casting onto every surface. Ethan grinned and dumped the wood right next to him causing him to jump.

"Sorry" Ethan laughed, "I had to take the opportunity while it was there"

Jake smiled and shrugged showing that it didn't matter, Ethan turned back to the fire and placed the biggest log into the fire pit the flames sparked and the wood crackled. Ethan and Jake sat next to each other in content silence for a while just enjoying the warmth of the fire and the company of the other.

Nate slid out of his tent and pelted Jacie's tent with small stones, they could hear her cursing and she finally came out to sit with them.

"What are we going to eat tonight?" Nate asked

Jacie rolled her eyes "I haven't decided yet, any special requests?"

Ethan shook his head and looked at Jake who smiled shyly "Let's have the canned spaghetti"

Ethan tensed for a moment and with a nervous glance at the others tried to relax again. "I'm not that hungry" he lied "I'll sit with you guys but I'm probably gonna sleep after that"

If any of the others thought he was acting strangely, they didn't show it. Jake kept attempting to get Ethan to talk with them but he was distant and he wanted some time to himself. After they had finished eating, he excused himself and retreated to his tent. Finally, he was alone and he submitted to the nightmare that had been lying patiently in wait.

Ethan was already in tears and knew he was in trouble, he cowered in his chair in the principal's office when his father entered the room.

The principal finished what he was writing and then looked up from the paperwork and smiled. "Mr Metshap thank you for coming." 

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