4. One Cold Night

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He opened his eyes feeling the vibration from his phone, he sat up groggily and read the text.

"Hey Ethan, Jacie, Jake and myself are out for a walk, do you want to meet up with us?" Ethan felt the feeling of sleep drain away as he smiled then he glanced at the time, it was still early and none of his family was home or they would have woken him for sure.

He shrugged, it wasn't like it would be a big deal anyway. Making up his mind he quickly typed back "For sure! I have no idea where anything is though; could we meet up at my place?"

"Affirmative, see you in a few minutes"

Ethan grinned then walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the bowl, he tore a chunk from the apple as the phone beeped again. Ethan picked it up and read the newest message "Why is the homophobe in our chat?" Ethan frowned "Why does he hate me so much" he muttered, "I am not a homophobe," he typed back

"Yes you are, you and that freak of a sister" Ethan glared at the phone and started typing a response, he was just about to press send when another message came through,

"Leave him alone Justin, we invited him because he apologised, he doesn't share his sister's opinion and you have no reason to be rude to him!" Jacie texted back

"Whatever, I am not staying in the chat if he is here and neither is Jake," Justin replied,

"Actually, I'm staying Justin, I believed Ethan when he told me he didn't share his sister's views" Jake replied,

The group chat was silent for a few moments and then the phone beeped notifying the chat that Justin had removed himself. Jake sent a sighing emoji then the chat was silent again.

Ethan frowned, he did not want to cause trouble for Jake or damage his relationship with Justin even if Justin was from Ethan's point of view, not a very nice person.

There was a loud knock on the front door and Ethan hurried over then flung the door open, Jacie and Nate grinned at him and Jake smiled even though Ethan could see he was upset about the group chat.

"Hey peeps, do you want to come in or should we go for that walk?" he smiled as they stepped inside

"Can we have a poke around first?" Jacie teased

Ethan shrugged then smiled "Curiosity killed the cat"

"With a dead cat comes a fat rat," Jake said quietly, Ethan looked at him then started laughing and a few moments later all four of them were laughing. It was at this moment that Lucy walked in the front door; she looked up from her phone and raised an eyebrow

"Uh, Hey Lucy," Ethan said awkwardly, "How was your day?" Ethan asked nervously,

"Hello," she said coolly, ignoring his question, she nodded to the others but didn't say anything. Ethan watched as she gripped her phone tighter and stormed upstairs.

Ethan smiled apologetically at Jake "Sorry, she gets like that"

Jake shrugged "It's ok, why don't you show us around?" he suggested.

Ethan grimaced but started talking.

Lucy groaned as she entered her room. Of all the people he could become friends with she thought angrily. She sighed and shook her head. It wasn't up to her to tell him who to be friends with and at least he wasn't a loner anymore. She hadn't exactly welcomed them with open arms but she didn't want to be the reason that her brother had no friends so she headed back downstairs

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