22. Aching Loss

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Ethan rolled over and quickly woke up feeling his face pressed against something cold, he sat up and looked around. He'd been lying on the floor in the bathroom, it took a moment to remember how he got there then it all came flooding back. The lights, the pain in his head and the electricity on his hands, he held them up in front of his face but they looked totally normal. There was a knock on the door,

"Ethan, It's just me again, please answer me, I don't know what's wrong and I don't want to freak you out by breaking down the door. It's been hours, I just want to know you're ok," Blake called

Ethan scrambled to his feet and unlocked the door, "I'm ok," he said as it opened,

Blake sighed and grabbed him pulling him into a hug, "I was so worried, I've been knocking every ten minutes but I wasn't sure what freaked you out and I didn't want to make it worse,"

Ethan relaxed in his arms. "I'm ok, the lights exploding just scared me and then I got dizzy and passed out,"

"Are you sure that's all it was," Blake asked looking concerned, "You were screaming in pain at one point,"

Ethan's mind raced, all of the excuses he could think of sounded feeble and unbelievable, Crap Ethan thought, deciding that a partial truth was better than a lie he explained everything he could but he left out the weird electric hands and the weird feeling that was insisting he was the reason the lights exploded.

Looking relieved Blake let go of him, picked up a box that had been sitting on the bed and lifted off the top to show Ethan the contents,

"This is my old phone, I took a look at your old one but it was busted so I thought you might like to use this," Blake saw the expression on Ethan's face and continued, "At least until you get a new one if you don't like this one,"

Ethan shook his head, "This one is fine, Thank you so much," he accepted the box and lifted out the phone, it was a couple of years older than his last one. Normally he had a spare phone for these kinds of circumstances but he'd left the last one at his father's house by accident and he had no chance of getting it back now.

"I added your sim card to it," Blake told him, "You just have to turn it on,"

Ethan waited as it booted up then frowned as message after message came in about missed calls from the twins, Blake saw his face and sat a hand on his shoulder,

"Is everything ok?"

"I don't know, I have a load of missed calls from my friends,"

"Ring them," Blake told him letting his hand fall, "I need to have a shower anyway,"

Ethan tapped dial and Jacie answered on the second ring, he listed for a moment standing up straight, "I'm on my way, don't do anything silly" he told her and hung up, he wrote a message for Blake and left it on the bed then ran for the door.

He'd known the rough location of the twin's house from all the times they'd walked home together but heading there from a different direction messed with his head and it took him longer than he expected. He ran inside when he arrived, not bothering to knock, he found the kitchen and stopped, seeing the twins both at the table with tears streaming down their faces.

"I am so sorry," he said softly

Jacie sniffed then shrugged, "She was getting older, the doctors think it was a heart attack but they are going to run more tests,"

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